Brisbane's wonderful subtropical climate allows residents to enjoy their gardens all year round. To ensure that gardens flourish, it's important to choose plants that are suitable to Brisbane soils and weather conditions.
Once established, many native plants require minimal supplementary watering, and are best suited for low maintenance gardening.
Many of these plants (listed below) are naturally found in tropical and subtropical areas, and don’t spread and become weedy.
Need help at your next nursery trip? See below our top picks suitable for Brisbane conditions.
Groundcovers, grasses and vines
- Cut-leaf daisies Brachyscome spp.
- Flax lillies Dianella spp.
- Native violet Viola banksii
- Fan flower Scaevola aemula
- Bower of beauty Pandorea jasminoides
- Mat rush Lomandra sp.
Low shrubs – 1-2 metres
- Thyme honey myrtle Melaleuca thymifolia
- Coastal rosemary Westringia fruitcosa
- Melaleuca ‘Claret Tops’
- Syzygium ‘Aussie Boomer’
Medium shrubs – 2-5 metres
- Golden candlesticks Banksia spinulosa
- Bottlebrushes Callistemon sp.
- Butterfly bush Pavetta australiensis
- Spider flower Grevillea sp.
- Lillypilly Syzygium sp.
- Brisbane wattle Acacia fimbriata - Brisbane's native floral emblem
- Swamp banksia Banksia robur
Small trees – 5-8 metres
- Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardioides
- Brown gardenia, Native gardenia Atractocarpus fitzalanii
- Golden penda Xanthostemon chrysanthus
- Ivory curl flower Buckinghamia celsissima
Tall trees – over 8 metres
- Hoop pine Araucaria cunninghamii
- Flame tree Brachychiton acerifolius
- Weeping lillypilly Waterhousea floribunda
- Wheel of fire Stenocarpus sinuatus
- Tulipwood Harpullia pendula
Want free native plants?
We're helping residents to cultivate their yards, balconies and courtyards by offering free native plants.
The Free Native Plants program offers everything from ground covers and tufting plants, small shrubs like bottlebrush and honey myrtle, all the way up to tulipwood trees and weeping lillypillies, so there is something for everyone no matter the size of your patch.
Find out how to access free plants today.
Related links
- Find a nursery participating in the Free Native Plants program
- Check out what type of soil is in your suburb and what plants grow best
- Learn about composting to help your garden thrive
**This blog was updated in November 2024.**