Stormwater quality management

New development must comply with the requirements of Brisbane City Plan 2014.

The planning, design and implementation of stormwater drainage must integrate that two distinct components of stormwater management, i.e. water quantity and water quality. The stormwater drainage system must:

  • prevent or minimise adverse social, environmental and flooding impacts on the city's waterways, overland flow paths and constructed drainage network
  • ensure that the design of channel works as part of development maximises the use of natural channel design principles where possible
  • achieve acceptable levels of stormwater run-off quantity and quality by applying total water cycle management and water sensitive urban design principles.

Development proposals may be required to submit a stormwater quality management report as part of the assessment of the application. The following technical expert guide can assist applicants and consultants in the preparation of this document.

The Stormwater code in Part 9 provides the assessment criteria to assess the suitability of the stormwater aspects of development. The Infrastructure design planning scheme policy in Schedule 6 provides guidelines and information for preparing a stormwater quality management report.

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