Habitat Brisbane groups - southern suburbs

Use this page to find Habitat Brisbane groups involved in community bushcare in the southern suburbs of Brisbane.
For more information about a group in your local area, select a green 'seedling' icon on the map. An information box will open with information about the group and contact details for general enquiries and register your interest as a volunteer. You can also search by address, or select the suburb/s you are interested in (these options are below the map). Alternatively, slide the 'map view' button (on the right, above the map) to 'text view' to access this information.
If you have any trouble making contact with the listed contact person/s for a group, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Habitat Brisbane team or email the Habitat Brisbane team.
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Habitat Brisbane groups - South accessible text view
Habitat Brisbane group | Location information | Description | Suburb |
Arnwood Place Bushcare Group - Annerley | Arnwood Street Park, 21 Arnwood Place, Annerley |
Arnwood Place Bushcare Group maintains a major riparian revegetation area that was planted in 2001 and 2003 by Council, Norman Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee, and the local community. The group goals are to reduce erosion along the banks of Norman Creek, improve habitat for native animals, and involve local people in an enjoyable and social outdoor activity. Norman Creek has a long history of disturbance, so the group does planting in addition to weed control. This group meets monthly on the third Saturday of the month and welcomes new volunteers. Starting 2pm in winter and 3pm in summer (excluding April when the group will meet on April 12 2025). Video Contact details |
Annerley |
Lagonda Park Bushcare Group - Annerley | Lagonda Street Park, 40 Lagonda Street, Annerley |
This group works in an urban park at the corner of Lagonda Street and Clive Street, Annerley. The bushcare volunteers aim to rezone the park, control weeds, regenerate the wetland/creek site and establish indigenous flora in appropriate areas of the park. Contact details |
Annerley |
Doulton-Alfred Park Bushcare Group - Calamvale | Doulton Street Park, Doulton Street and Alfred Street, Calamvale |
The Doulton-Alfred Park Bushcare Group carries out weed control and revegetation work between Doulton Street and Alfred Street in Calamvale. This project will help control weeds and provide important habitat for local wildlife. Contact details |
Calamvale |
Caesar's Place Bushcare Group - Chelmer | Queenscroft Street Park (no. 112), 112 Queenscroft Street, Chelmer |
Working in parkland along the Brisbane River, this group concentrates on revegetating the creek line that runs through the park. Their work focuses on weed control and revegetation of rainforest species, including the endangered angle-stemmed myrtle (Gossia gonoclada). This project will help control weeds and provide important habitat for local wildlife. This group meets the fourth Sunday of the month from 8.30am and new volunteers are always welcome. Contact details |
Chelmer |
Benarrawa Bushcare Group - Corinda | Benarrawa Reserve, 68 Gray Avenue, Corinda |
Working in Benarrawa Park at Allen Street, Corinda, this group focuses on rehabilitating the banks of a tributary of Oxley Creek. The park is a designated recovery site for the endangered angle-stemmed myrtle (Gossia gonoclada). This group meets regularly on the last Saturday of each month 8–10am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Corinda |
Hilda Street Bushcare Group - Corinda | Horace Window Reserve, 30 Francis Street, Corinda |
The aim of this group is to restore and regenerate the natural bushland from Francis Outlook down to Horace Window Reserve on the Brisbane River riverfront. This will provide an enhanced ecosystem for native flora and fauna. The group is also encouraging neighbours to treat weeds on their properties that are affecting the reserve. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month 8-10am in summer and 8.30-10.30am in winter, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Corinda |
Nosworthy Park Bushcare Group - Corinda | Nosworthy Park, 2 Hall Avenue, Corinda |
The bushcare group is working to restore riparian vegetation along Oxley Creek. This project involves weed control, erosion, and revegetation of wetland, open forest, and dry rainforest species. The park is also home to the endangered angle-stemmed myrtle (Gossia gonoclada). The group is restoring habitat to assist in the recovery of this species. This group meets regularly on the first Saturday of each month with morning tea to follow - in summer from 7.30-9.30am and in winter from 8-10am. Contact details |
Corinda |
Wishart Outlook Bushcare Group - Eight Mile Plains | Maisie Dixon Park, 46 Nardie Street, Eight Mile Plains |
The Wishart Outlook Bushcare Group is working along the upper reaches of Bulimba Creek in the Maisie Dixon Park, Eight Mile Plains. The site is located at two of the eight main tributaries: Bulimba Creek East and Bulimba Creek West. The group seeks to enhance native riverbank vegetation to establish a corridor of quality habitat linking to the Wishart Bushcare site on the northern side of the creek. Contact details |
Eight Mile Plains |
Faulkner Park Bushcare Group - Graceville | Faulkner Park, 80 Waratah Avenue, Graceville |
The Faulkner Park Bushcare Group is revegetating parts of this mixed-use park adjoining the Brisbane River at Graceville. This area features a mixture of dry rainforest, open forest, riparian creek line vegetation, and large open spaces. The group's emphasis is on providing additional habitat for native birds, which need larger areas of dense vegetation to avoid predators and hold their own against aggressive miners. The group usually meets on the second Sunday of each month, from 8.30am to 12noon, and new volunteers are welcome to join. Contact details |
Graceville |
Boobook Gully Bushcare Group - Highgate Hill | Dauphin Terrace Park, 35 Fraser Terrace, Highgate Hill |
This group volunteers their time looking after a small patch of land off Fraser Terrace, aiming to remove weeds and enhance the biodiversity of Highgate Hill. Contact details |
Highgate Hill |
Dauphin Terrace Bushcare Group - Highgate Hill | Dauphin Terrace Park, Dauphin Terrace, Highgate Hill |
This group established a bushcare site at the end of Dauphin Terrace on the edge of the Brisbane River in early 1995. Members encourage the regrowth of local plant species, with an emphasis on dry rainforest species, to provide a viable habitat for local fauna. They also raise awareness in the surrounding community about the need to restore and protect local bushland. Contact details |
Highgate Hill |
Holland Park West Bushcare Group - Holland Park West | Bapaume Road Park (road reserve), corner of Bapaume Road and Gaza Road, Holland Park West |
This group works to restore riparian vegetation along Ekibin Creek at Holland Park. Activities include controlling environmental weeds and revegetating with local native plant species. The group meets regularly on the last Sunday of each month from 7.30-9.30am, and welcome new volunteers. Contact details |
Holland Park West |
Kev Hooper Park Bushcare Group - Inala | Kev Hooper Memorial Park, 209 Lavender Street, Inala |
Working in Kev Hooper Park, Inala, this group brings the community together to restore a tributary of Blunder Creek. This site is home to a variety of wildlife, including freshwater shrimps, turtles, frogs, and possums. The park's many large, hollow-bearing eucalypts support a large and diverse native bird population. Contact details |
Inala |
Moorooka Greening Group - Moorooka | Moolabin Park, 50 Vendale Avenue, Moorooka |
This group is rehabilitating the one-kilometre open-space corridor between Moolabin Park and the corner of Vendale Avenue and Tarragindi Road, Moorooka, to create an important corridor between Toohey Forest and Moolabin Creek. Contact details |
Moorooka |
Fox Gully Bushcare Group - Mount Gravatt | Mount Gravatt Outlook Reserve, 70 Shire Road, Mount Gravatt |
Fox Gully Bushcare Group is working to consolidate, restore and link the habitat of Mount Gravatt Outlook Reserve. Activities include restoring degraded areas adjoining private properties and working with property owners to build wildlife corridor links to Roly Chapman Bushland Reserve. With truckloads of weeds and rubbish removed and the most degraded areas replanted, the focus has now changed to natural regeneration, which the group is supporting by removing and composting weeds onsite, stabilising slopes, and then letting nature take over. The work is informed by extensive flora and fauna research conducted by the group, which has been used to support revegetation, ongoing community education, and installation of habitat infrastructure (e.g. nest boxes used by squirrel gliders, kookaburras, and rainbow lorikeets). Working bees are held from 7.30am on Tuesdays. Videos
Contact details |
Mt Gravatt |
Mount Gravatt Environment Group (MEG), Gertrude Petty Place - Mount Gravatt | 3 Suncroft Street, Mount Gravatt |
MEG formed in early 1999 with a charter that includes lobbying for the protection of bushland in the Mt Gravatt area and undertaking bushland management activities in local parkland. The group works at Gertrude Petty Place in Mount Gravatt Bushland Reserve and employs gentle bush restoration practices to retain and protect habitat linkages between bushland on Mount Gravatt and the Bulimba Creek corridor. This group meets regularly on the last Saturday of each month, 8.30-10.30am and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Mt Gravatt |
Cliveden Avenue Reserve Bushcare Group - Oxley | Cliveden Avenue Reserve, Cliveden Avenue, Oxley |
This group is active at the eastern end of Cliveden Avenue, Corinda/Oxley, and has a strong regeneration focus. They are working in remnant bushland along the banks of Oxley Creek to reduce the weed burden and thus assisting the various plant communities to return to healthy function through natural regeneration. It is a very interesting process to take part in. The area is a refuge and designated recovery site for the endangered angle-stemmed myrtle (Gossia gonoclada). This group meets regularly on the first Saturday of the month, 8-10am in Summer, 8.30–10.30am in Winter. Contact details If you are looking for Habitat Brisbane groups in this area, you may also be interested in Pennywort Creek Bushcare Group. |
Oxley |
Lawson and Kendall Street Bushcare Group - Oxley | Ed Kuepper Park, 53 Lawson Street, Oxley |
The Lawson and Kendall Street Bushcare Group is working to improve the resilience and diversity of riparian vegetation in parkland along Oxley Creek at Kendall Street and its nearby tributary, Mayfly Creek, at Lawson Street, Oxley. The group aims to achieve this by controlling weeds to reduce competition with existing native plant species and to undertake strategic plantings of native species to better manage creek bank stability along the Kendall Street reach of Oxley Creek. Regular monthly working bees are scheduled for the third Sunday of the month (except December) starting at 8am, with volunteers usually starting near the Kendall Street canoe ramp. Contact details |
Oxley |
Pennywort Creek Bushcare Group - Oxley | Corner of Cliveden Avenue and Pratten Street, Oxley |
This group is active at the eastern end of Cliveden Avenue, Corinda/Oxley, and has a strong regeneration focus. They are working in remnant bushland along the banks of Oxley Creek to reduce the weed burden and assist the various plant communities to return to healthy function through natural regeneration. The area is a refuge and designated recovery site for the endangered angle-stemmed myrtle (Gossia gonoclada). This group meets regularly on the third Saturday of each month from 6am from September to April. There is a 6.30am start in the winter months. Contact details |
Oxley |
Rikki Bailey Park Bushcare Group - Oxley | Rikki Bailey Park, 80 Holmedale Road, Oxley |
Rikki Bailey Park is located at Avalon Street, Oxley, and is located within the upper Oxley Creek catchment. This group has been operating for more than 10 years with a small team of regular volunteers and people who drop in when they can. The group has contributed to an onsite bushwalk, nesting boxes, and habitat zones. It is working to restore eucalypt woodland by removing exotic weeds and regenerating native lomandras and grasses (e.g. kangaroo grass). Working bees are held on the fourth Sunday of each month from 8-10am. Contact details |
Oxley |
The Fort Bushland Reserve Bushcare Group - Oxley | Fort Road Bushland, 44 Cliveden Avenue, Oxley |
The reserve is located at Oxley and is a significant native bushland habitat. The main objectives of the bushcare group are the protection and rehabilitation of the bushland, education about the area's significant habitat value, and enhancement of the existing cleared area along Fort Road for use by residents. The group meets the first Sunday on the month at 8am. Contact details |
Oxley |
Wolston Creek Bushland Group - Riverhills | Wolston Creek Bushland Reserve, Riverpoint Boulevard, Riverhills |
The group has become custodians of the 47-hectare Wolston Creek Bushland Reserve. Since 2003, they have planted, weeded, and conducted flora and fauna studies and since 2009 has progressed an on-going natural regeneration project near the mouth of Wolston Creek and the Brisbane River. Since 2013, with weed invasion continuing the impact the reserve and its high biodiversity values, the volunteers have regularly (and successfully) applied for grant funding to employ contractors to help with additional weeding. The site is home to wallabies, kangaroos, and raptors, as well as some flora species that are now rare in Brisbane. On top of this, it has fantastic views. This group meets every fourth Sunday of the month from 7.30-10am and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Riverhills |
Brandon Road Bushcare Group - Runcorn | Glenefer Street Park, Brandon Road, Runcorn |
Working in parkland on the eastern side of Brandon Road, Runcorn, this group focuses on restoring wetlands that are part of the upper reaches of the Bulimba Creek catchment. Their work involves weed control, revegetation, and creekbank stabilisation. The project aims to improve water quality and increase native plant and animal diversity. This group meets on the 2nd Sunday of the month and welcome new volunteers. 7am – 9am in Summer, 7:30am – 9:30am during Autumn and Spring, and 8am – 10am in Winter. Contact details |
Runcorn |
Runcorn Wetlands - Dew Street Bushcare Group - Runcorn | Dew Street Park, 71 Dew Street, Runcorn |
This group is working on a wetland site in the upper reaches of Bulimba Creek catchment, and currently concentrating on weed removal and replanting with indigenous species. The site has potential to provide good bird, butterfly and possibly fish habitat. Contact details |
Runcorn |
Rocky Waterholes Environment Group - Salisbury | Salisbury Recreation Reserve, 54 McCarthy Road, Salisbury |
This group works along the upper reach of Rocky Waterholes Creek in Salisbury, from Evans Road to McCarthy Road. Members focus on rehabilitating and revegetating the banks of the creek and the riparian zone. This group meets regularly on third Sunday of each month from 7.30-9.30am. Contact details |
Salisbury |
Gaddes Park Bushcare Group - Sunnybank | Gaddes Park, 27 Evenwood Street, Sunnybank |
Working in Gaddes Park, on the banks of Stable Swamp Creek, this group has a strong fauna focus, with a frog pond, butterfly host plants and native bees on site. Contact details |
Sunnybank |
Les Atkinson Park Bushcare Group - Sunnybank | Les Atkinson Park, 430 Beenleigh Road, Sunnybank |
This group's main focus is on eradicating weeds and stabilising the banks of Stable Swamp Creek. They have a keen interest in the fauna using the park, and in propagating local provenance plants. Contact details |
Sunnybank |
Tarragindi Recreation Reserve Bushcare Group - Tarragindi | Tarragindi Recreation Reserve, 131 Shaftesbury Street, Tarragindi |
Volunteers actively contribute to the restoration of bushland through their bushcare activities in Tarragindi Recreation Reserve. Contact details |
Tarragindi |
Roly Chapman Reserve Bushcare Group - Upper Mount Gravatt | Mt Gravatt Park, 1873 Logan Road, Upper Mount Gravatt |
This group is working to strengthen, protect and restore a unique blend of flora and fauna in an urban bushland context. Focusing on natural regeneration, they are removing weeds in a staged approach, assisting the process where required by planting local provenance species. They also aim to build community awareness, engagement and respect for the bush while enhancing an important corridor linkage between Roly Chapman Reserve and Toohey Forest. This group meets regularly on the 2nd Sunday of each month March–November 8.30-10.30am. Contact details |
Upper Mt Gravatt |
Yeronga Bushcare Group - Yeronga | Ron Goeldner Park, 20 Heritage Close, Yeronga |
This group is passionate about establishing, maintaining, and rehabilitating natural vegetation along the Brisbane River, which is an important natural corridor and a natural asset central to local amenity. Their work improves wildlife habitat and amenity and controls bank erosion. The Yeronga/Fairfield riparian areas support a diversity of Brisbane wildlife, including wedge-tail eagles, buff-banded rails (rare in Brisbane), wrens, kingfishers, lizards, frogs, butterflies, and bandicoots. The riverside vegetation needs the group's active involvement to manage and improve it. New volunteers are welcome to help with weed management and new plantings. The working bee times are published on the Yeronga community web page. Contact details |
Yeronga |
More information
If you'd like more information on the Habitat Brisbane program, you can:
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Habitat Brisbane team
- email the Habitat Brisbane team.