Habitat Brisbane groups - western suburbs

Use this page to find Habitat Brisbane groups involved in community bushcare in the western suburbs of Brisbane.
For more information about a group in your local area, select a green 'seedling' icon on the map. An information box will open with information about the group and contact details for general enquiries and to register your interest as a volunteer. You can also search by address, or select the suburb/s you are interested in (these options are below the map). Alternatively, slide the 'map view' button (on the right, above the map) to 'text view' to access this information.
If you have any trouble making contact with the listed contact person/s for a group, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Habitat Brisbane team or email the Habitat Brisbane team.
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Habitat Brisbane groups - West accessible text view
Habitat Brisbane group | Location information | Description | Suburb |
Ashgrove Avenue Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Ashgrove Avenue Park, 214 Ashgrove Avenue, Ashgrove |
Ashgrove Avenue Bushcare Group has been working on-site for over 16 years. They recently adopted a new planting area, removing weedy grasses and woody weed trees, mulching, and planting the site adjacent to Enoggera Creek. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Ashgrove Sports Ground Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Ashgrove Sportsground Park, 1A Othaki Road, Ashgrove |
The Ashgrove Sports Ground Bushcare Group started in 2019, continuing work done by earlier Bushcare groups along a section of Enoggera Creek. The project will maintain an important riparian corridor adjacent to the Enoggera (Gallipoli) Barracks that forms part of the link to Mt Coot-tha. The site connects areas of important aquatic biodiversity from Fish Creek to Ithaca Creek and down to Breakfast Creek. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Corbie Street Park Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Corbie Street Park, 46 Ferneydell Street, Ashgrove |
The residents of Corbie Street, Ashgrove have been working for 20 years to restore the creek corridor along Enoggera Creek and adjacent parkland. The group undertakes weeding, planting and mulching of the riparian area. They have installed nest boxes to support local wildlife and are ensuring their plants are flood friendly. This group meets monthly on weekends, and welcome new volunteers. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Enoggera Creek Reserve Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Enoggera Creek Reserve, corner of Royal Parade and Gresham Street, Ashgrove |
This bush care site was started in late 2001. The site was a dry eucalypt hillside with a weed-dominated gully with some dry rainforest remnants. Both were smothered by cat's claw, ochna, and other woody weeds. Over the past decade, a large area has been cleared of the weed infestation, a shrub layer has been established and the native grasses and groundcovers are now self-sowing. This group meet regularly the second Sunday of the month, 7.30am-9am, meeting at the St John’s Wood Scout Hall, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Royal Parade Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Royal Parade Park (no. 16-70), 22 Royal Parade, Ashgrove |
The Royal Parade Bushcare Group works on the north bank of Enoggera Creek, downstream of the Gresham Street Bridge at St Johns Wood, adjacent to Royal Parade. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Tennis Avenue Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Tennis Avenue Park, 23 Tennis Avenue, Ashgrove |
Tennis Avenue Bushcare Group is restoring a stretch of Enoggera Creek, just upstream from its confluence with Ithaca Creek. The site has some historic and remnant trees and the group's focus is to maintain and improve this important corridor link with infill planting and weed management. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Three Mile Scrub - Quandong Bushcare Group - Ashgrove | Quandong Park, 68 Quandong Street, Ashgrove |
Working collaboratively with the adjoining Three Mile Scrub - Seils Park Bushcare, this group is working strategically to slowly manage large areas of elephant grass by gradually shading them out with canopy species. The site has a range of fauna species, including many bird species that utilise the cane grass areas. This strategic approach aims to slowly transition the exotic grass areas into native vegetation, trying to duplicate the current structure that currently provides habitat and without disrupting existing fauna populations. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Three Mile Scrub Bushcare Group - Seils Park - Ashgrove | Seils Park, 27 Toomba Avenue, Ashgrove |
This group of local residents focuses on bush regeneration, with supplementary plantings of local native species as required. The bushcare area represents two plant communities - gallery rainforest along the riparian strip and southern bank of Enoggera Creek and open forest on the steeper northern bank. The group is working to slowly manage a large area of elephant grass by gradually shading it out with canopy species. A long stem planting technique is being trialled in an area that receives high-velocity flows. Contact details |
Ashgrove |
Bowman Parade Bushcare Group - Bardon | Bowman Park, 247 Simpsons Road, Bardon |
Volunteers actively contribute to the restoration of bushland through their bushcare activities in Bowman Park. Contact details |
Bardon |
Bowman Park Frog Habitat Restoration Group - Bardon | Bowman Park, 247 Simpsons Road, Bardon |
Bowman Park Frog Habitat Restoration Group actively maintains a series of frog breeding sites, and creek vegetation at Bowman Park, Simpsons Road, Bardon. Working bees are held on the first Wednesday of each month from 7.30am. Contact details |
Bardon |
Greening Dawn Street Bushcare Group - Bardon | Dawn Street Park, Dawn Street, Bardon |
This group was formed in 2010 by experienced bush carers from other sites and groups. Activities include weeding, mulching, and planting by local residents and volunteers, rehabilitating a section of Ithaca Creek in Dawn Street Park and recently extended to Glen Harding Park. Regular working bees are held on the Sunday after the third Wednesday of the month, 8-10am and new volunteers are always welcome. Contact details
Bardon |
Lorward Avenue Bushcare Group - Bardon | Purtell Park, 57 Carwoola Street, Bardon |
Volunteers actively contribute to the restoration of bushland through their bushcare activities in Purtell Park. Contact details |
Bardon |
Saba's Corner Bushcare Group - Bardon | Dawn Street Park, 140 Coopers Camp Road, Bardon |
This site was a labour of love for local resident Saba Burns from 2003 to 2019. Recently a new neighbour has taken up where Saba left off and will continue her amazing work. The site has been extensively cleared of weeds and regenerated to locally native habitat. The group maintains the riparian area around the corner of Cecil Road and Coopers Camp Road, Bardon. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month, 2pm-3.30pm and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Bardon |
Stonebrook Bushcare Group - Bardon | 390 Simpsons Road, Bardon |
This group cares for the bush along the Carwoola Street Cycleway, Simpsons Road, and along the area from the creek to the Canopy Townhouse complex in Bardon. The volunteers are focused on weed reduction and planting to regenerate native flora. New members are welcome. Morning tea is even provided. The group generally meets on the third Sunday of each month at 8am. Contact details |
Bardon |
Western Creek Bushcare Group - Bardon | Colorado Avenue Park, 19 Tristania Drive, Bardon |
The Western Creek Bushcare Group formed in 2016 to do restoration work on the upper catchment of Western Creek adjacent to Couldrey Street. Working within Colorado Avenue Park, Bardon; the group has a fantastic opportunity to help a large patch of remnant vegetation. Work will include weeding, planting, and identification of resident species. Volunteer working bees are held on the first and third Monday of the month from 8-11am, and every second Saturday 8-10am. Contact details |
Bardon |
Brookfield Showground Bushcare Group - Brookfield | Brookfield Showground, 550 Brookfield Road, Brookfield |
Brookfield Showground Bushcare Group was originally a project of the Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers (ATCV) group. The focus of the work was on weed removal and replanting with rainforest plants. Other project sites include the restoration of frog habitat from a side tributary into Moggill Creek. This group meets the last Sunday of the month 8.30-11am. Contact details |
Brookfield |
Savages Road Bushcare Group - Brookfield | Savages Road, Brookfield |
This group, established in 2016, is creating a riparian zone and managing invasive weeds between Wonga Creek and Savages Road, Brookfield. This group generally meets every couple of months and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Brookfield |
Upper Gold Creek Bushcare Group - Brookfield | Gold Creek Road, Brookfield |
The Upper Gold Creek Bushcare Group is active in the restoration of road and creekside vegetation on upper Gold Creek Road. This group meets regularly on the third Sunday of the month, 9-11am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Brookfield |
Ardes and Lomandra Street Parks Bushcare Group - Chapel Hill | Ardes Street Park, 60 Lomandra Place, Chapel Hill |
Nestled in the suburb of Chapel Hill, this neglected patch of bush, listed as an 'ecosystem of concern', will be restored. The group will focus on the removal of weeds, reestablishment of native vegetation, and improvement of corridor linkages from Mt Coot-tha. This group meets regularly on the first Sunday of the month, 8.30–10.30am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Brushbox Bushcare Group - Chapel Hill | Rebecca Street Park, 34 Brymer Street, Chapel Hill |
Brushbox Bushcare Group works to improve the liveability of their area and maintain a strong community spirit. By building connectivity, native vegetation coverage, and efficient water flow throughout their section of Cubberla Creek the group dedicates its time to the perimeters of Rebecca Street Park, Satin Wood Place. Growing with their community and actively seeking community interest the group wishes to expand their restoration impact and residential landscape within the area. This group meets regularly on the fourth Sunday of the month, 7.30–9.30am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Burns Parade Bushcare Group - Chapel Hill | Cubberla Creek Reserve, 80 Akuna Street, Chapel Hill |
The Burns Parade Bushcare Group is working on the creek banks of Cubberla Creek in Chapel Hill. Following on from the works initiated by Cubberla-Witton Catchments Networks (CWCN) the group is looking forward to changing the site from a degraded creek bank to a wonderful shady oasis, that is a haven for animals and people alike. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month, 8–11am and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Clarina Street Park Bushcare Group - Chapel Hill | Park Frontage, Intersection of Clarina and Warrawong St, Chapel Hill |
The Clarina Street Bushcare Group are actively working to engage their community in the restoration of bushland within the 4.3-hectares at the top of Witton Creek Catchment. The group strategically targets specific areas to continually reduce the invasive Cats Claw Creeper and Ochna within their patch whist building their ecological interest and impact on the site. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month, 8–11am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Green Hill Regenerators - Chapel Hill | Green Hill Reservoir Park, 206C Russell Terrace, Chapel Hill |
This bushcare group formed in 2011, although work has been carried out at this site since 2008. The site extends from the Green Hill Reservoir at the top of Russell Terrace, Chapel Hill to the rear of the houses in Struan Street. Rubbish was removed from the site and the group is working to control a wide range of weed infestations. Revegetation and erosion control have been successfully carried out on half of the site. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Merri Merri Bushcare Group - Chapel Hill | Merri Merri Park, Greenford Street, Chapel Hill |
This group is involved in protecting existing remnant vegetation, encouraging natural regeneration, establishing planting beds using local native and bush friendly species, as well as simply having enjoyable working bees. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Sutling Street Bushcare Group - Chapel Hill | Sutling Street Park, 39 Sutling Street, Chapel Hill |
From a small remnant, the group has established diverse plantings of canopy trees/shrubs (local to the area), while encouraging natural regeneration and promoting wildlife use, for example, bird populations, butterfly food, and habitat plants. This group meets regularly on the first Sunday of the month, 8-10am. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
The Hut Bushland Care Group - Chapel Hill | The Hut, 47 Fleming Road, Chapel Hill |
This group's focus is on implementing bush regeneration techniques. This principally involves the encouragement of natural regeneration, with supplementary plantings of fire retardant and indigenous dry rainforest species as required. The group is closely linked with The Hut Environmental and Community Association Inc. (THECA) in Chapel Hill. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Wandering Weeders - Chapel Hill | The Hut, 47 Fleming Road, Chapel Hill |
The Wandering Weeders are a free-ranging group who work two mornings per week over 10 hectares on the edge of Mt Coot-tha Forest Park, near the Hut in Chapel Hill. Their work is focused on areas around walking tracks targeting weeds including signal grass and those weeds spread by birds. To date, the group has managed to eliminate ochna, corky passion vine, asparagus fern and lantana at their site. Contact details |
Chapel Hill |
Manaton Park Bushcare Group - Fig Tree Pocket | Manaton Park, 238 Jesmond Road, Fig Tree Pocket |
Manaton Park located off Jesmond Road represents two plant communities namely dry riparian rainforest and open eucalypt forest. The Manaton Park Bushcare group is in the process of removing a range of woody weeds, grasses, and vines that are being progressively replaced with endemic species. Volunteer working bees from held from 7-9am on the first Saturday of each month. Contact details |
Fig Tree Pocket |
Indooroopilly Woods Residents Group Inc. - Indooroopilly | Carinya Street Park, 27 Tatong Street, Indooroopilly |
This group is based within Carinya Street Park and intends to improve the environment of areas adjoining the Western Freeway, specifically between the freeway and Tatong Street to the north and between the Freeway and Carinya Street to the south. The group aims to enhance the area by removing weeds and planting suitable native plants within the area to improve the aesthetics for our residents and visitors whilst enhancing habitat for local wildlife particularly birdlife. Contact details |
Indooroopilly |
Moore Park Bushcare Group - Indooroopilly | Moore Park, 27 Russell Terrace, Indooroopilly |
This group has strong community involvement with local residents and Indooroopilly State School to restore Moore Park. By linking the available naturalist history of the area, the group aims to bring back the line of red Callistemons along the banks of Witton Creek in Moore Park. This group meets regularly on the second Saturday of the month, 9–11am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Indooroopilly |
Rainbow Forest Experimental Rehabilitation Group - Indooroopilly | Rainbow Forest Park, 80 Dobell Street, Indooroopilly |
This group has been involved in the progressive rehabilitation of littoral rainforest indigenous to the area, and encouraging wildlife through sound practices, as well as providing an avenue for interested people to achieve something positive in an environmental project. This group meets on the second Saturday of the month from 7.30am and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Indooroopilly |
St Lucia Golf Course Bushcare Group - Indooroopilly | Handel Street, Indooroopilly |
St Lucia Golf Course Bushcare Group rescue and reinstate native vegetation beside the fairways and greens of the St Lucia Golf Course. Remnant patches of bushland have been at risk due to weed incursion which has impacted on the biodiversity of these areas. In conjunction with Cubberla-Witton Catchments Network, the group has commenced weeding these areas and planting local natives to create vital habitat. Contact details |
Indooroopilly |
Taringa Parade Bushcare Group - Indooroopilly | Moore Park, Taringa Parade, Indooroopilly |
The Taringa Parade Bushcare Group actively works on the open eucalypt slopes of Moore Park, Indooroopilly. The group has been rehabilitating the site through the process of assisted natural regeneration; removing weeds such as ochna, asparagus fern, exotic grasses and vines. This group meets regularly on the fourth Sunday of the month, 9-11am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Indooroopilly |
Lions Nature Trail Bushcare Group (Kupi Park) - Karana Downs | Kupi Park, 58 Tanderra Way, Karana Downs |
This group is working towards restoring and enhancing the natural values of Kupi Park in Karana Downs. The site has an endangered vegetation community and is a habitat for fireflies, which may be present in the warmer months. The group is selectively weeding to allow natural regeneration to occur, as well as some planting activities. This group meet on the first Sunday of the month, 8.30-10.30am in winter and 7.30-9.30am in summer, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Karana Downs |
Kenmore South Creek Care - Kenmore | Henry Clarkson Park, 97 Marshall Lane, Kenmore |
Kenmore South Creek Care is a group of parents, children, teachers, and local neighbours working to restore the upper part of Little Gubberly Creek behind Kenmore South State School. Through weeding, planting, and maintaining, the group hopes to grow a native forest and improve the environment for turtles and other animals that live in and along the creek. In creating a more accessible creek, the group hopes to provide local children with an area to explore the creek and learn. Contact details |
Kenmore |
Little Gubberley Bushcare Group - Kenmore | Akuna Street Park, 130 Akuna Street, Kenmore |
This group is focused on repairing Little Gubberley Creek and rehabilitating the remnant littoral rainforest with strong involvement from the local community. Contact details |
Kenmore |
Kersley Road Bushcare Group - Kenmore | Wallawa Street Park, 54A Kersley Road, Kenmore |
This group works in a small, shaded rainforest oasis along Cubberla Creek. The group has spent many years replacing weeds with native vegetation along the creek’s edge, and has created a wonderful sun-dappled site to meander from Wallawa Street through to Katunga Street, Kenmore. Contact details |
Kenmore |
Lower Moggill Bushcare Group - Kenmore | Dumbarton Drive Park, 58 Dumbarton Drive, Kenmore |
The Lower Moggill Bushcare Group has concentrated on the weeding and revegetation of the riparian (or riverbank) strip along Moggill Creek. The site is alongside the parkland at the end of Fortrose Street and features a 35 metre tall Moreton Bay Fig. Contact details |
Kenmore |
McKay Brook Bushcare Group - Kenmore | Mirbelia Street West Park, 68 Bozzato Place, Kenmore |
The McKay Brook Bushcare Group started in 1998 and works in parkland adjacent to McKay Brook. The group focuses on weeding and replanting with rainforest species. Contact details |
Kenmore |
Rafting Ground Reserve Bushcare Group - Kenmore | Rowena Street Park (no. 36), 2226 Moggill Road, Kenmore |
Volunteers actively contribute to the restoration of bushland through their activities in Rowena Street Park (no. 36). This group meets regularly on the first Saturday on the month, 8.30-11am, and new volunteers are welcome. Contact details |
Kenmore |
The Billabong Bushcare Group - Kenmore | Kilkivan Avenue Park South, 110 Kilkivan Avenue, Kenmore |
The Billabong Bushcare Group has been working on weeding and restoring a billabong off Moggill Creek and along the riparian strip of Moggill Creek. Located upstream from Rafting Ground Park, the group is working towards linking up with other nearby Habitat Brisbane group sites and creating a healthier more diverse Moggill Creek. This group welcomes new volunteers and generally meets the second Saturday of the month at 3pm. Contact details |
Kenmore |
Gap Creek Bushcare Group - Kenmore Hills | Deerhurst Road Park, 55 Deerhurst Road, Brookfield |
The Gap Creek Bushcare Group works in the revegetation of Gap Creek and is currently focusing on a large site at the end of Kookaburra Street, Kenmore Hills. This group meets one Sunday a month 8-10am in summer, and 9-11am in winter. New local volunteers are always welcome. Contact details |
Kenmore Hills |
Huntington/Tuckett Bushcare Group - Kenmore Hills | Tuckett Street Park, 39 Tuckett Street, Kenmore Hills |
Huntington/Tuckett Bushcare Group has been active in a number of revegetation projects along Moggill Creek adjacent to Creekside Street, Huntington Estate and Tuckett Street Park. This group generally meets on the second to last Sunday of the month 8.30–11am. New volunteers are always welcome. Contact details |
Kenmore Hills |
Camoola Street Bushcare Group - Keperra | Camoola Street Park, 62 Camoola Street, Keperra |
The bushcare volunteers are working at Camoola Street Park, Keperra to engage the local community and raise awareness about the environment. The volunteers are working to enhance the local environment by rescuing remnant trees (predominantly Eucalyptus teretecornis) that would otherwise be smothered by exotic vines and create more habitat for wildlife through planting local native species in the park. Contact details |
Keperra |
Men of the Trees - Keryn Place Park Bushcare Group - Keperra | Keryn Place Park, Keryn Place, Keperra |
Men of the Trees actively contribute to the restoration of bushland through their activities at various sites across Brisbane. Contact details |
Keperra |
Osborne Road Bushcare Group - Mitchelton | Teralba Park, 120 Pullen Road, Everton Park |
This group is restoring a weed-infested reach of Kedron Brook upstream of Teralba Park at Mitchelton by replanting with local creek species and encouraging natural regeneration of Waterhousea floribunda, which once formed a graceful canopy all along the upper part of Kedron Brook. Contact details |
Mitchelton |
Tuesday Tree Liberators - Mitchelton | McConaghy Street Park (no. 171-235), 171 McConaghy Street, Mitchelton |
Working on the southern bank of Kedron Brook upstream of Teralba Park Mitchelton. The area is also known locally as Pony Club Bend. The group is working to restore the weed-infested bank. This will increase biodiversity, provide habitat for wildlife and improve water quality. The group meets on Tuesdays for bushcare work as well as regular social activities. Contact details |
Mitchelton |
Butterfly Bushcare Group - Mt Coot-tha | Mt Coot-tha Reserve, Mt Coot-tha |
Since 2005, the Butterfly Bushcare Group has been working on a hilltop site along Mt Coot-tha's Reservoir Trail to restore the natural vegetation to encourage butterflies and other insects, many of which are locally under threat due to urban development and loss of food plants for caterpillars. Loss of hilltop sites adds an additional threat. Butterflies and other insects use the hilltop as a place to meet and find a mate. Some butterflies travel several kilometres to a hilltop. Bushcare activities include restoring native vegetation, conducting butterfly surveys (suitable for all levels of experience), and educational events. The group also works closely with their friends at The Hut Environment & Community Association (THECA) in Kenmore. Contact details |
Mt Coot-tha |
Jindalee Bushcare Group - Mount Ommaney | Mount Ommaney Bushland Reserve, 12 Summit Place, Mount Ommaney |
This group was established in 1996 and works along Wilsons Walkway, between Jindalee and Westlake, in the Mount Ommaney Bushland Reserve. The picturesque bushland runs next to the Brisbane River and contains shady dry rainforest and open eucalypt forest. It has a great diversity of plants and wildlife, especially birds. The group concentrates on planting and weeding specific areas at both ends of the walkway, as well as regularly removing new outbreaks of weed vines and woody weeds throughout the bushland reserve to stop them from spreading. The group is always happy to welcome new volunteers. No experience is necessary to participate. Working bees are held on the third Sunday of each month from 7.30-10am. The group meets mostly at Summit Place, Mount Ommaney, and occasionally at Mount Ommaney Drive, opposite Canowindra Street, Mount Ommaney. Every working bee includes a morning tea. Contact details |
Mt Ommaney |
Davidson Street Bushcare Group - Newmarket | Davidson Street Park, 82 Davidson Street, Newmarket |
The Davidson Street Bushcare Group is progressively restoring the Davidson Street Park to be more welcoming for native wildlife such as tusked frogs, pheasant coucals and squirrel gliders. The group is following on from the recently completed Healthy Land and Water project which included revegetation of native species and installing stormwater mining. This restoration will improve the wildlife corridor linkage between the existing Tennis Avenue and Corbie Street Bushcare Groups. This group meets at an ad hoc basis and welcome new volunteers. Contact the group for working bee dates and details. Contact details |
Newmarket |
Pullenvale Forest Park Bushcare Group - Pullenvale | The Pullenvale Forest Park, 386 Pullenvale Road, Pullenvale |
The Pullenvale Forest Park Bushcare Group has been actively involved in the rehabilitation of a mixture of dry rainforest and open woodland communities along Pullen Pullen Creek. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month 8.30-10.30am and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Pullenvale |
Lugg Street Bushcare Group - Red Hill | Lugg Street Park, Lugg Street, Red Hill |
The Lugg Street Bushcare Group was started in 2018, continuing the work done on the site in previous years along a section of Ithaca Creek in Red Hill. The focus is the removal of invasive and exotic vegetation species and their subsequent replacement with native and endemic species. The goal is to improve the local vegetation mosaic to provide further foraging, nesting, shelter, and roosting sites for local fauna. It will also improve the resilience of the creek bank through erosion prevention and further enhancing the riparian corridor. Contact details |
Red Hill |
Friends of Sherwood Arboretum - Sherwood | Sherwood Arboretum, 57 Dewar Terrace, Sherwood |
This group was formed in 1988, with the aim of improving the arboretum through community involvement. They have been working on several sites within the arboretum focusing on large-scale weed removal and regeneration of island areas. This will encourage frog habitat in the Melaleuca Grove through weed containment and selective planting and working along the riverside. This group meets regularly on the third Sunday of the month at 8am in summer and 8.30am in winter. New volunteers are always welcome. Contact details |
Sherwood |
Strickland Terrace Parklands Bushcare Group - Sherwood | Strickland Terrace Park, 11 Strickland Terrace, Sherwood |
Working in the Strickland Terrace Park on the banks of Oxley Creek, Sherwood, this group has a strong fauna focus, with many species of birds using the site for nesting and feeding. This group meets on the second Saturday of the month, 9-11am. New volunteers are always welcome. Contact details |
Sherwood |
Banksia Park Bushcare Group - St Lucia | Banksia Park, 40 Sixth Avenue, St Lucia |
This group works in a small bushland remnant in Banksia Park, Sixth Ave, St Lucia. The main aim of the group is to remove weed species and replant native vegetation, creating a wildlife oasis in the leafy suburb of St Lucia. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month, 8–10am and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
St Lucia |
Ironside Park, St Lucia Bushcare Group - St Lucia | Ironside Park, 73 Carmody Road, St Lucia |
This group is working to bring the four-hectare, bush park just behind Ironside State School back to a more balanced and diverse native habitat. The primary focus is saving the canopy from creeping vines and ridding the park of weeds, with the longer-term aim of establishing some dry rainforest habitat in the gullies. This group meets regularly on the third Sunday of the month, 9–11am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
St Lucia |
St Lucia Esplanade Bushcare Group - St Lucia | The Esplanade, St Lucia |
Located adjacent to the Brisbane River at St Lucia, this group focusses on the restoration of the remnant riverine vegetation. The site is readily accessible with a well-developed river walk, to complement the group's revegetation efforts. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month, 7.30–9.30am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
St Lucia |
Bob Wilson Bushcare Group - The Gap | Riawena Street Park, 26 Illowra Street, The Gap |
This group works on Riaweena Street, The Gap, west of Illowra Street. The group have spent many years removing the infestation of cat’s claw and madeira vine upstream of the footbridge to School Road. Contact details |
The Gap |
Chaprowe Road Bushcare Group - The Gap | Pangela Street Park, 25 Pangela Street, The Gap |
The Chaprowe Road Bushcare Group has been working for over 10 years to restore a stretch of Fish Creek downstream from Settlement Road towards The Gap State School. The work is challenging due to the sandy, unstable nature of the creek banks. The group has successfully revegetated large sections of the creek with the aid of planting, weeding, and jute matting. Contact details |
The Gap |
Glenella Street Park Bushcare Group - The Gap | Glenella Street Park, 77 Glenella Street, The Gap |
Glenella Street Park is one hectare of endangered subtropical rainforest bordering Fish Creek between Walton Bridge Reserve and Glenella Street The Gap. This group meets regularly on the third Saturday of the month at 3:30pm in warmer months, and 3pm during winter, and welcomes new volunteers. They work closely with the neighbouring group at Walton Bridge Reserve. Both sites feature important remnant vegetation. Contact details |
The Gap |
Hilder Road State School Bushcare Group - The Gap | Solferino Place Park, 69 Bromwich Street, The Gap |
Working collaboratively with the Fish Creek 4061 education program and the Hilder Road State School community, this group’s purpose is to conserve, manage and restore the northern bank of Fish Creek adjacent to the school. Activities focus on weed and pest management, erosion and sediment control, revegetation, and providing safe access for learning. Contact details |
The Gap |
Men of the Trees (Paten Park Bushcare Group) - The Gap | Paten Park, Grenoble Street, The Gap |
Men of the Trees actively contribute to the restoration of bushland through their activities at various sites across Brisbane. This group meets very regularly, every Saturday 9am–12.30pm, and new volunteers are always welcome. Contact details For more information, view the group's Facebook page or website. |
The Gap |
Michaela Crescent Bushcare Group - The Gap | Solferino Place Park, 55 Michaela Crescent, The Gap |
This long-standing group maintains the section of Fish Creek downstream of Hilder Road State School, adjacent to Michaela Crescent. Contact details |
The Gap |
Nicholas Park Bushcare Group - The Gap | Nicholas Park, 1 Anembo Street, The Gap |
The former Gap Central Bushcare Group spent a decade planting and weeding the Enoggerra Creek corridor downstream of Illowra Street to Nicholas Park. A beautiful canopy has been established. The new Nicholas Park Bushcare Group will treat weed vines and groom a strong sustainable understorey with native grasses and shrubs. The group will also assist with the removal of cat's claw behind the Payne Road School and replanting where necessary. Contact details |
The Gap |
Walton Bridge Reserve Bushcare Group - The Gap | Walton Bridge Reserve, 25 Glen Affric Street, The Gap |
Where Fish Creek meets Enoggera Creek, Walton Bridge Reserve is endangered subtropical rainforest. The group meets at 3 pm on the first Saturday every month except January. They work closely with neighbouring group Glenella Street Park which works along Fish Creek between Walton Bridge Reserve and Glenella Street The Gap. Both sites feature important remnant vegetation. This group meets regularly on the first Saturday of the month (excluding January) at 3pm, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
The Gap |
Watercress Farm Bushcare Group - The Gap | Allamanda Street Park, 41 Allamanda Street, The Gap |
Situated off Payne Road at The Gap, this group has been involved in the restoration of a section of Enoggera Creek and meets every six weeks on a Saturday afternoon. Contact details Additionally, view the group's Facebook page or their website. |
The Gap |
Wittonga Park Bushcare Group - The Gap | Wittonga Park, 98 Hilder Road, The Gap |
The Wittonga Park Bushcare Group is restoring the headwaters of Fish Creek within Wittonga Park, The Gap. For many years the group has planted the draining channels to provide vital shade to the creek, removed weeds, and improved biodiversity for local wildlife. In 2019, Save Our Waterways Now celebrated its 25th anniversary by planting 1700 native plants to widen the riparian corridor. This group meets regularly and welcomes new volunteers. Contact the group for working bee dates and details. Contact details Video |
The Gap |
Yoorala Street East Bushcare Group - The Gap | Corramulling Park, 98 Yoorala Street, The Gap |
The Yoorala Street East Bushcare Group is working to restore the section of Enoggera Creek downstream from the intersection of Yoorala Street and Elgata Street, around Corramulling Park. Contact details |
The Gap |
Yoorala Street West Bushcare Group - The Gap | Corramulling Park - at Fursman's Crossing, opposite 135 Yoorala Street, The Gap |
Yoorala Street West Bushcare Group is restoring the upper area of Enoggera Creek, working from the base of the dam for approximately one kilometre downstream to an area adjacent to where Elgata Street intersects Yoorala Street. Volunteers are building on the hard work of Athol Brown who first established the group in 1996 and conducted extensive community plantings and rubbish removal. Working bees are held every fortnight on a Friday morning. Everyone is welcome, no experience or equipment required, just bring an enthusiastic attitude and a desire to look after Enoggera Creek. Contact details |
The Gap |
Goldsbrough Street Bushcare Group - Toowong | Mt Coot-tha Reserve, Taringa Parade, Toowong |
Working in the Mt Coot-tha Reserve along Taringa Parade, Taringa this group continues to transform what was previously a grassy paddock to a native bushland patch. Contact details |
Toowong |
Toowong Creek Roving Rehabilitators - Toowong | Mt Coot-tha Reserve, Kent Street, Toowong |
Toowong Creek Roving Rehabilitators have been part of the Habitat Brisbane program since 2011. The group meets monthly to restore bushland areas in the upper reaches of Toowong Creek Catchment, mainly along the creek verges. The group is keen to raise participation and awareness within the catchment. Several National Tree Day plantings have been carried out since 2011 in the park adjacent to Kent Street, Toowong. This group meets regularly on the second Sunday of the month, 8-10am, and welcomes new volunteers. Contact details |
Toowong |
Upper Brookfield Bush Regeneration Group - Upper Brookfield | Upper Brookfield Road Park (no. 590), 590 Upper Brookfield Road, Upper Brookfield |
Situated towards the end of Upper Brookfield Road, the group has been working on a formerly weed-infested riparian strip. The group has now returned areas of the site to their former native habitat. Contact details |
Upper Brookfield |
Westlake Riverhills Bushcare Group - Westlake | Barcoorah Street Park, 88 Barcoorah Street, Westlake |
This bushcare group was established in 1993 and initiated the bushland rehabilitation of the beautiful Barcoorah Street Park along the Brisbane River in Westlake and Riverhills. The group’s focus is on caring for this area traversed by the Coucal Trail, between Tennent and Balaton Streets, removing weeds and planting local native species. This is an important habitat and recreation area. Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome. You don’t need fitness or to be an expert and tools and guidance is available. The group meets on the second Sunday of the month, usually around 7.30am, for up to 2 hours. Contact details |
Westlake |
More information
If you'd like more information on the Habitat Brisbane program, you can:
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak with the Habitat Brisbane team
- email the Habitat Brisbane team.