Bushland Preservation Levy

Brisbane residents and businesses contribute to protecting Brisbane's most significant natural assets. This is done through payment of the Bushland Preservation Levy in their rates account. Brisbane City Council uses the levy to fund projects which protect, manage and enhance Brisbane's natural environment, such as the Bushland Acquisition program. This helps Council to achieve the Brisbane Vision targets and aspirations to be a clean and green city.
Bushland Acquisition Program
The Bushland Acquisition Program buys land that supports significant ecosystems, plants and animals.
This land is turned into conservation reserves. Most are accessible to the public ensuring that everyone enjoys Brisbane's unique natural environment.
Over 4400 hectares have been protected since the program started in 1990, including:
- Karawatha Forest
- Brisbane Koala Bushlands
- Tinchi Tamba Wetlands.
Brisbane is the most biologically diverse capital city in Australia, supporting thousands of plant and animal species. The Bushland Acquisition program has secured land that:
- supports rare and endangered ecosystems, plants and animals
- contains unique habitats poorly represented within existing natural areas
- provides linkages within ecological corridors
- supports unique freshwater and wetland habitats
- was under immediate threat from development.
Find out more about visiting Council's natural areas.