Wildlife Conservation Partnership program

More than half of Brisbane's wildlife habitat is on privately-owned land. This is critical to the survival and conservation of our native wildlife. Brisbane City Council provides assistance to landholders who join Brisbane City Council's Wildlife Conservation Partnership program (WCPP). They receive advice about revegetation, local flora and fauna species and how to conserve and restore wildlife habitat on their land.
The program is part of Council's Community Conservation Partnerships program.
Conservation partnership agreements
The program offers three agreement types, each providing a different level of protection and assistance. All agreements are voluntary and have no effect on land ownership rights:
They include:
Council has approximately 850 agreements protecting over 2700 hectares of our most ecologically important privately-owned bushland and wetlands. They have negotiated agreements with land owners across Brisbane since 1996.
Types of wildlife conservation partnerships
Working Towards Land for Wildlife
An entry level non-binding agreement that provides information and assistance with bushland restoration.
Land for Wildlife
A non-binding agreement that provides information and assistance for properties with retained habitat.
Voluntary Conservation Covenant
A Voluntary Conservation Covenant is the highest level of protection Council can offer private property owners for long-term conservation of their land. It is a legal agreement with Council registered on the property title. It is authorised under the Land Titles Act in perpetuity. It is also binding on the subsequent land owners. The agreement provides all the benefits of Land for Wildlife as well as an Annual Cash Management Assistance payment.
Benefits of the conservation agreements
Council offers the following services as part of an agreement:
- expert advice and information on habitat management
- help with plant identification and weed management
- a property specific Bushland Property Management Plan
- free workshops on habitat management topics
- regular newsletters and fact sheets
- free native flora and fauna reference books
- free native plants
- opportunities to meet like-minded people
- a rebate on the Bushland Preservation Levy
- an annual Cash Management Assistance payment (depending on the type of agreement signed).
Join the program
Find out if your property is eligible and how to join the program.
Members of Council’s Community Conservation Partnerships program, which includes the Wildlife Conservation Partnership Program, are eligible to apply for Community Conservation Assistance. This supports on-ground bushland restoration activities on private property and Council land.
More information
For more information:
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888
- email the project team.