Hiring environment centre meeting rooms

The environment centres provide facilities and programs for local, non-for-profit community groups, organisations and corporate use. Groups can meet in relaxed and natural bushland settings, close to parking and amenities. The rooms are not available for parties or other events.

Karawatha Forest Discovery Centre

The Karawatha Forest Discovery Centre has two meeting rooms for hire that can be combined to create one large room. These meeting rooms have several facilities and features:

  • seating for up to 60 people
  • air conditioning
  • free Brisbane City Council guest Wi-Fi
  • seats, tables, projector and in-built speakers and sound system and whiteboard
  • tea and coffee making facilities
  • kitchenette
  • wheelchair access.

To make a booking for the this meeting room, complete the online meeting room hire enquiry form, making sure your booking data is at least two calendar weeks away. If your desired date is within two calendar weeks, phone the environment centre on 07 3407 2400.

Fees and charges

Community use of the meeting room/s is free for groups that are not-for-profit and are not registered as charities. Registered charities may need to supply an Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) number or Australian business number (ABN) and must also be approved by Council.

Community hire

The following costs apply to community groups using one meeting room for commercial purposes or when people are paying fees to attend.

HourlyHalf day or evening (fixed rate)Full day (fixed rate)

Corporate hire

The following costs apply to corporate, (other than the Council) or any non-community use.

HourlyHalf day or evening (fixed rate)Full day (fixed rate)

All prices include GST.

Room availability

The meeting rooms are available for public bookings six days per week, depending on availability. Council will arrange orientation, keys and security instructions if the booking is not in normal business hours.

Environmental activities

Visitors to the environment centres can enjoy a tailored group experience, arranged subject to staff and volunteer availability.

For group bookings (non-school groups) complete the relevant online booking form:

More information

For further information and for all bookings and enquiries:

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.