
Raingardens (also known as bioretention systems) are garden beds which use native plants and free draining soils. These are used to capture, filter and treat pollutants typically found in stormwater. Treatment occurs through a combination of natural physical and chemical processes associated with the type of soil and plants used.

Raingardens are a good alternative to traditional gardens or lawns. You can incorporate them into any garden, regardless of size or shape. 

You can help protect our waterways by installing a raingarden in your yard, community, school or business.

Benefits of raingardens

Rainwater from roofs, driveways and streets flow into stormwater drains, through local waterways and to beaches and bays. This runoff collects sediment, heavy metals, oil and grease which impact on the health of our waterways. These pollutants can also be harmful to fish and other marine life. 

Raingardens are designed to capture rainwater flow from your home's gutters, rainwater tank overflow or overland flow to:

  • slow the water down
  • decrease erosion
  • reduce sediments, and
  • filter pollutants out of the stormwater.

Raingardens help less polluted stormwater to enter our creeks and waterways.

Reducing levels of sediment, nutrients and other pollutants flowing to waterways, raingardens are an easy, economical way to help improve waterway health.

More information

For more information about how to build your own raingarden, visit the Healthy Land and Water website.

You can also see a raingarden demonstration at one of Council's Environment Centres.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.