Moreton Island waste services

Moreton Island is located 40 kilometres offshore from Brisbane, and is situated within the Deagon Ward boundary. It consists of three townships; Bulwer, Cowan Cowan and Kooringal.

The island can be reached by ferry, barge or boat.

Brisbane City Council works closely with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services, residents and visitors on the island to manage waste disposal and to ensure the delicate balance of flora and fauna on the island is maintained for everyone to enjoy.

Find out about:

Transfer stations

Waste collection services are located at the three transfer stations within the townships of Bulwer, Cowan Cowan and Kooringal and at The Wrecks and Comboyuro Point.

Waste transfer stations are provided by Council to help residents dispose of general waste, recycling, garden waste and batteries.

The transfer stations are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including public holidays. Visitors should note there is no lighting at the sites.

Transfer stations are serviced weekly, and twice weekly during Christmas and Easter holidays. 

Disposal of household and garden waste

To ensure the safety of other residents to the transfer stations, you can follow these simple steps when disposing of household and garden waste:

General waste

  • ensure all household waste and small items are placed in the bins provided and the lids are closed after use
  • general household waste should be placed in the red-lidded waste bins
  • general waste bins are provided for the disposal of non-recyclable items.


Garden waste

  • all garden waste should be placed in the green waste collection area outside the transfer stations, look for designated collection area
  • green waste is managed through controlled burns, to stop the spread of weeds and non-native flora.

General information

  • building materials, large items and green waste will not be accepted in the bins
  • items left outside of the bins can be classified as illegal dumping and offenders may be prosecuted
  • large items such as unwanted household furniture, white goods and mattresses can be delivered to the transfer station during the large item collection events.

Building materials, car bodies, boats, water tanks and other oversized items are not accepted at the transfer stations at any time. These should be removed through private arrangements.

Illegal dumping

Any items not placed in the bins provided at the transfer stations may be considered illegal dumping so ensure that you do not place items on the ground around the bins.

Rubbish not disposed of properly may incur a fine. To avoid fines for illegal dumping, always ensure that all items are placed in the bins provided.

If you observe a person illegally dumping or littering from a vehicle in other areas of the island, a complaint can be made to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

Large item collection

Large items such as unwanted household furniture, white goods and mattresses can be delivered to the transfer station during the large items collection events. To accommodate the increase in waste delivered to the transfer station during these events, Council provides two six cubic metre skips that will remain onsite for up to two weeks or until they are full. Skips will be emptied and replaced during the event if required, collection up to 24 cubic metres at each event.

The large item collection events are held within the transfer stations and all items need to be placed in the large bins provided.

Transfer stations are not to be used as a large items storage facility outside the specified dates as this may be considered as illegal dumping and fines may occur.

Large item collection events will occur four times a year during the designated school holiday periods at each transfer station.

Acceptable items

Table showing acceptable and unacceptable items
Acceptable itemsUnacceptable items
  • furniture and white goods (fridges)
  • household appliances, including stoves
  • carpet and lino
  • bath and laundry tubs
  • wood products
  • bicycles
  • vegetation (for example trees, grass, potted plants)
  • dirt and stones 
  • bricks and concrete
  • commercial builders' waste
  • general household waste (for example food scraps)
  • liquids
  • hazardous wastes (for example chemicals, oil, asbestos)
  • gas bottles
  • household waste that normally goes into your refuse or recycling bin
  • car parts and tyres

Closed circuit television cameras

Moreton Island transfer stations have closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras installed to allow better management of Moreton Island's waste.

The cameras allow the transfer stations to be more effectively monitored on a daily basis by Council staff and will help identify busier periods so services can be adjusted to suit demand. The CCTV will also record any illegal dumping activity within the transfer stations.

CCTV data management and privacy

Council would like to reassure residents that once the recorded video footage has been viewed by Council staff, it will be deleted. However, footage depicting illegal activity will be retained as evidence and provided to the appropriate authorised Council department, for possible prosecution.

Waste information for Moreton Island visitors

There are no bins on the eastern side of the island. Rangers do not collect rubbish from camp sites and can issue on-the-spot fines for littering. When planning your trip, pack to minimise rubbish. Rubbish bins are located near The Wrecks and Comboyuro Point campgrounds.

Secure all rubbish bags inside your vehicle when driving. Do not carry rubbish bags on your bull bar as these tend to break and spread rubbish across the island's tracks.

Rubbish not disposed of properly may incur a fine. Depending on the amount of material illegally dumped, fines for individuals can range from $261 to $2611 and fines for corporations can range from $1305 to $9791.

More information

Any development on Moreton Island (including new houses and extensions to existing houses) must comply with the requirements of the Moreton Island Settlements Local Plan of Brisbane's Planning Scheme (Brisbane City Plan 2014).

Find out if your proposal will trigger a development application.

If you would like more information about Council services on Moreton Island, phone 07 3403 8888.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.