A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029 - Strong, connected communities

Brisbane boasts enviable cultural experiences that celebrate our multicultural identity. Council is exploring new ways to tell our ever-changing story and share the unique history of the land’s Traditional Custodians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This knowledge is an essential part of growing an inclusive Brisbane, particularly for new residents, who have stated an understanding of Australian culture makes them feel more welcomed.

Brisbane is a city of strong and diverse communities that continues to evolve. More than 200 languages are now spoken in Brisbane homes.

Brisbane’s growing reputation as an innovative city with high-quality universities is continuing to draw students from across the globe who are welcomed through the Lord Mayor’s International Student Friendship Ceremony.

Council will increase focus on connecting cultures and updating welcome packs so that new residents build confidence in knowing about local services, facilities and events.

Feeling welcome within your community reduces the feeling of isolation. Research reveals Australians lack meaningful relationships, with one-in-10 Australians lacking social support and one-in-six experiencing emotional loneliness¹.

If unaddressed, social isolation can worsen medical conditions and increase the risk of depression, anxiety, paranoia or panic attacks². People from diverse cultural or gender backgrounds, people with disability and older residents report that exclusion due to perceived difference can impact community connections and overall wellbeing.

Council will partner with local organisations to improve community connections and social inclusion by supporting projects for those experiencing loneliness. Workshops will also aim to build the capacity of residents to positively respond if they witness discrimination in local communities.

To continue building strong, cohesive and resilient communities, Council will partner with local community organisations to deliver events so that residents:

  • feel a stronger sense of community
  • are educated about what is happening across the city
  • can find the support they need and can share their ideas to create more opportunities for others.

Partnering with communities of all ages, abilities and backgrounds will ensure Council is able to better understand and respond to needs of residents.


1. Relationships Australia, Is Australiaexperiencing an epidemic of loneliness?,Relationships Australia, Kingston, 2018, viewed 27 July 2019, https://www.relationships.org.au

2. Lifeline, How Does Loneliness and Isolation Affect Your Mental Health, Lifeline, Canberra, 2019, viewed 27 July 2019, https://www.lifeline.org.au

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.