A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029 - Council's role

Council has a proud history of providing and funding services, facilities and infrastructure to enable everyone to participate fully in community life. These roles will continue to be a core function for Council into the future.

As the challenges and opportunities ahead increase in size and complexity, Council will need to collaborate with other levels of government, community providers and the private sector to develop innovative solutions and maximise available resources. It is a shared responsibility to ensure our city provides opportunities for all and this is best achieved when we work together.

Council recognises it does not need to lead every community response. Simply bringing the right people and organisations together can reduce duplication, inspire innovation and create strong networks.

Council will continue to advocate for the community’s interests, not just to other levels of government but also to business and industry.

This plan uses six roles, listed below, in proposing actions that are not solely the responsibility of Council, but our shared responsibility as representatives of an inclusive city.

  1. Provider: Delivering services.
  2. Funder: Funding other organisations to deliver services.
  3. Regulator: Regulating some activities through legislation.
  4. Partner: Forming partnerships and strategic alliances with other parties in the interests of the community.
  5. Facilitator: Assisting others to be involved in activities by bringing groups and interested parties together.
  6. Advocate: Promoting the interests of the community to other decision-makers and influencers.
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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.