Dog registration

It is a requirement under the Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008 that all dogs over three months old are registered with Brisbane City Council if they live within the Brisbane local government area. Dogs over the age of three months must be registered or have their registration transferred within 14 days after you start to keep the dog. 

If you change address, you must also update your details with Council within 14 days. 

Dog registrations are valid for 12 months from date of registration or renewal.

It is also a legal requirement for dogs to be microchipped.

Dog registration benefits

We are often asked about the benefits of dog registration when microchipping will also help a lost pet find its way home. Yes, microchipping will assist in a reunification service, however, there are many things that it cannot provide that registration does. Your dog’s registration fees assist in providing key services and facilities that keep you and your dog safe when out and about in the community.  These include:

  • a 24-hour lost and found service
  • a ‘proof of ownership’ identification system
  • staff to attend the investigation and resolution of complaints about dog attacks, barking dogs, patrols of parks, beaches and streets and wandering animal collection and reunification
  • sponsorship of key programs and events that achieve responsible pet ownership outcomes
  • pet fair events featuring a range of activities, including discounted treatments and microchipping.

Council also provides over 150 dog off-leash parks across Brisbane where dogs can run, exercise and socialise leash-free with other dogs and dog park visitors.

New Registration applications

Dog registration applications can be lodged with the appropriate registration fee by:

Dog registration renewal and overdue renewals

Dog registrations are valid for 12 months and must be renewed each year. You can update the details and renew your dog registration online or use other payment options listed on your registration renewal. Brisbane City Council residents with an existing dog registration can also:

Overdue dog registration renewals can be paid by BPAY or phone pay.

The registration will be valid from the original renewal date regardless of when you pay the account.

When paying a dog registration renewal, you must quote the reference number listed on your current renewal notice. Using a reference number from a previous year will not renew the registration.

Dog registration concessions

You may be eligible to receive a concession on your dog registration if you meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • you hold a current Centrelink Pensioner concession card
  • you hold a Veterans' Affairs Repatriation Health card - for all conditions (Gold Card)
  • you are a current member of either Dogs Queensland or the Greyhound Racing Authority.

Concessions also apply, if your dog meets any of the following criteria:

Guide dogs and other assistance dogs

Guide, hearing, mobility support and psychiatric assistance dogs are eligible for free registration with Council. You must still submit an animal registration form and provide a copy of the appropriate handlers’ identification card.

Government entity dog

The Animal Management (Cats & Dogs) Act 2008 exempts a government entity dog (e.g. a police or customs dog) from registration and microchipping. Council does not require an animal registration form for these dogs.

You purchased your dog from an approved facility

Dogs adopted from one of the following approved facilities are eligible for discounted registration fees for the lifetime of the dog:

The approved facility must:

  1. Stamp or write their name identifying their details on the registration form.
  2. Forward a copy of the completed dog registration application form to Council.
  3. Ensure the dog is desexed, microchipped and vaccinated prior to being sold.

Approved facilities participating in this program may request that Council provides them with application forms and reply-paid envelopes.

Your dog is desexed

If your dog is desexed, you will need to specify this on the animal registration application to receive the concessional rate. You also need to specify details of the vet who undertook the procedure and the date the procedure took place.

If your dog is too young to be desexed at the time of registration, the desexed rate will be charged. When your next registration is due, the full fee will be charged unless the above details are provided to Council identifying the dog has been desexed.

Update desexing details

To update the desexing details of your dog, you can:

  1. Update your pet's details online
  2. Phone Council on 07 3403 8888. You may require the vet's details and date of procedure
  3. Submit a signed letter or dog registration application form to update the registration details:

The form or letter should include the vet's name and the date of desexing.

If you visit a Regional Business Centre, Council will create a new renewal notice at the time. Payment will be required immediately. You must wait to receive your new renewal notice to make payment if you submit a letter or form at an animal rehoming centre or phone Council.

Updating your details

To update your dog’s registration details you can:

If you are changing address, you must also advise your microchip registry. Council does not update details of your dog’s microchip.

Registration tags

Once registered, Council will send you a nylon identification tag for your pet to wear constantly. For current registrations, Council replaces lost, damaged, illegible, faded or faulty nylon registration tags, free of charge.

If you have received the renewal notice, you must pay the renewal fee before requesting a replacement tag.

To request a replacement nylon tag for your dog, complete a replacement tag application form online. Alternatively, you can apply by completing the hard copy form.

Council will post a replacement nylon tag within 10 working days.

Sell or give away your dog

The Queensland Government requires any person who sells, advertises or gives away a dog to be registered and have a supply number.

If you are selling or giving away your dog to a new owner within the Brisbane City Council area, you must transfer the existing registration, providing details of the dog and the new owner's name and address. You can:

Fees for registration of dogs

Find the applicable dog registration fee. Different fees apply for dangerous or menacing dogs . Concessions may also apply if you belong to a listed association.

Registration typeFull feePensioner fees
Non-desexed dog$127.50Pensioner owners receive a 50% reduction on the non-pensioner fee
Desexed dog$44.50Pensioner owners receive a 50% reduction on the non-pensioner fee
Desexed dog adopted through an approved facility$29.65Pensioner owners receive a 50% reduction on the non-pensioner fee
Registration – desexed dog subsequent years$59.25Pensioner owners receive a 50% reduction on the non-pensioner fee
Registration – non-desexed dog subsequent years$170.10Pensioner owners receive a 50% reduction on the non-pensioner fee
Guide, hearing, mobility, support and psychiatric assistance dogs*No feeNo fee
Government entity dog (e.g. police or customs dog)No feeNo fee

Failure to register your dog (from three months of age) annually may result in a fine.

*dogs provided through an approved training service provider under the Guide, Hearing and Assistance Dogs Act 2009. 

* Therapy, emotional support and companion dogs provided by non-approved training services are not exempt from fees.

Association concessions

Concessions apply to current members of Dogs Queensland and greyhounds that hold a current licence/ permit with Queensland Racing Integrity Commission. All association concession fees are at the desexed rate, regardless of whether the dog is desexed or non-desexed. These concession rates do not apply to declared dangerous or menacing dogs.

Fees for dangerous or menacing dogs

Registration typeFull feeReduced fee*
Desexed dangerous dog$734.10$261.40
Non-desexed dangerous dog$1038.55$261.40
Desexed menacing dog$734.10$209.00
Non-desexed menacing dog$1038.55$261.40
Declared dangerous or menacing dog replacement sign$35.30-
Regulated dog collar - small$64.60-
Regulated dog collar - medium$90.40-
Regulated dog collar - large$94.30-

*Granted in subsequent years upon successful performance review and continuing compliance with the conditions set.

Registration transfers

Pet owners moving to Brisbane can transfer their remaining registration to Council by lodging a dog registration application form. You can submit your transfer from another Council, only via mail or at a Regional Business Centre. You must provide:

  • the current registration
  • declared dangerous or menacing dog information (if applicable).

Cancel your registration

If you no longer have your dog, as you have rehomed them or they have passed away, or you have moved to an area outside of Brisbane City Council, you can:

Registration refunds

A refund of 50% of the registration fee will apply if your dog passes away within the first six months of registering. Council must receive the refund application within 12 months of the registration renewal date.

To apply for a refund you should complete an:

Alternatively you can download, complete and post the hard copy form Animal refund registration application (PDF - 57kb) to:

Brisbane City Council
GPO Box 1434
Brisbane Qld 4001.

If Council receives a registration payment for a property outside of the Brisbane area, a 100% refund is applicable. If you believe this has been the case, you can make your request in writing, enclose any relevant proof and post it to Council at the address above.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.