Reporting graffiti

Graffiti is vandalism and can impact on the community’s sense of safety as well as having an adverse effect on local businesses and property values in an area.
Reporting and complaints
What you can do
You should report graffiti as soon as you see it.
Who you report the graffiti to depends on the type and location of the graffiti and whether you are the owner of the property vandalised.
Follow the guide below to see who you should contact.
Is it happening now?
No matter who owns the property if you see graffiti happening call Policelink immediately on 131 444 and report what you see. If it is an emergency, contact 000.
Your property?
If you are the owner of the property that has been graffitied you should report it to police directly either by:
- phoning Policelink on 131 444
- reporting it online via the Policelink website (Photos can be uploaded of the graffiti when reporting online so make sure you have these ready. Photos of graffiti can be used to help identify possible offenders).
Council property?
If you see graffiti on council buildings, property or infrastructure contact Council on 3403 8888. Our Contact Centre is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It can also be reported on Council’s Graffiti removal form. Photos of the graffiti can be uploaded when reporting online and can be used to help identify possible offenders.
A large organisation’s property?
If you see graffiti on the property of one of the below organisations report it direction to them on the below numbers:
- Queensland Rail: 13 16 17
- Department of Main Roads: 131 947
- Telstra: 13 22 03
- TransLink: 13 12 30.
Other property/unknown owner/been there for a while?
If you see graffiti but do not know who the owner of the property is, the owner isn’t listed above or it has been there for a while and has not been removed, contact Council on 07 3403 8888 or report it online on Council’s online form.
Have information about Graffiti Offenders?
Know someone who is involved in graffiti, or you have seen it occurring in the past, contact Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers Australia on 1800 333 000.
More information
If you require more advice, information or support, phone Council's Taskforce Against Graffiti on 07 3403 8888.