Operating a warehouse

Before you set up a warehouse, find out if your project needs planning approval.
Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) defines a warehouse as a premises used for storage and distribution of goods. This is whether or not in a building, including self-storage facilities or storage yards. The use may include the sale of goods by wholesale where ancillary to storage. The use does not include retail sales from the premises or industrial uses.
Preferred locations
City Plan encourages warehouses to set up in the industry zones, specifically the:
Planning approval
Not all warehouses need Brisbane City Council approval.
To help you determine if the proposal requires Council approval, you can phone Council on 07 3403 8888 to speak to a Town Planner.
If the nature of your business changes over time, you may need to reconfirm whether you require development approval as a result.
Building approval
Building approval is separate from planning approval. Licensed private building certifiers or building consultants can provide advice regarding:
- building work for an existing warehouse or a new warehouse
- if you require any building approval.
Private building certifiers and building consultants are available using the Queensland Building and Construction Commission's find a local contractor search.
More information
Phone Council's Business Hotline 133 BNE (133 263) for advice specific to your situation:
- if your proposed warehouse development requires planning approval, or
- your premises is within a neighbourhood plan area, or
- covered by an overlay.
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