Installing a satellite dish

If you are installing a satellite dish, find out the key facts about the property and whether you need planning approval. Key facts include zoning, overlays, lot size and if the property is in a neighbourhood plan.
Brisbane City Plan 2014 defines a signal receiving satellite dish as a telecommunications facility.
No development application required
Erecting no more than one signal receiving satellite dish on a premises is accepted development. The satellite dish has no dimension greater than:
- 1.2 metres in a residential zone:
- low density residential zone
- low-medium density residential zone
- medium density residential zone
- high density residential zone
- character residential zone
- tourist accommodation, or
- township zone
- 1.8 metres in any other zone.
This means planning approval is not required from Brisbane City Council.
The Commonwealth Telecommunications Act 1997 also exempts certain telecommunications facilities from requiring planning approval. These facilities are described in the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 1997 and the Telecommunications Code of Practice 1997.
Code assessable development application
If the proposal is not accepted development, a code assessable planning application for a telecommunications facility is required. You will also require an application where:
- there is an existing dish at the property and you propose additional satellite dishes
- you propose more than one satellite dish.
The application is assessed against:
- the telecommunications facility code, and
- any other applicable codes of the zone for your property.
Building approval
According to the Building Regulation 2006, you do not need building approval if:
- your satellite dish has a maximum diameter of 900 mm and if the device is no more than:
- 3.5 m above the building or structure (for a device attached to a building or structure)
- 10 m above the device's natural ground surface (for a device detached from any building or structure).
You are responsible for ensuring the work complies with applicable standards, such as:
- structural sufficiency
- size limits
- fire separation, and
- boundary setbacks
which are outlined in the following laws (building assessment provisions):
- the Building Act 1975, chapters 3 and 4
- any local law or local planning instrument the Building Act 1975 allows to apply to the assessment
- theQueensland Development Code
- the Building Code of Australia.
If you are unsure that your project complies with the building assessment provisions, Council recommends you obtain advice from a licensed private building certifier or contractor.
If your project does not fulfil all of the above requirements, you need to have it assessed and approved by a licensed private building certifier. Certifiers are in the Yellow Pages under 'building surveyors'. You must give the certifier scaled and detailed plans prepared by a draftsperson or architect.