Amplified music venues in the Valley

Brisbane City Council created Australia's first designated Special Entertainment Precinct in Fortitude Valley to ensure the long-term future of music-based entertainment without exposing residents or businesses to unreasonable levels of amplified music-noise. The Fortitude Valley neighbourhood plan sets out the boundaries of the Special Entertainment Precinct.
Amplified music venues are regulated by the Amplified Music Venues Local Law 2006. The object of this law is to regulate noise from amplified music in core areas of Special Entertainment Precincts of the city.
Special Entertainment Precincts
Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) requires new development in the Special Entertainment Precinct to not impact existing businesses and residential uses. New business or residential developments must include design measures to reduce impacts of amplified music from existing and future venues.
A Special Entertainment Precinct in the City Plan is referred to as a Special entertainment area in the Local Government Act 2009. To check if your development proposal is located in a core area of a Special Entertainment Precinct, view Figure A of the Fortitude Valley neighbourhood plan code.
Where to get a copy of the Amplified Music Venues Local Law 2006
To find out more about the Amplified Music Venues Local Law 2006, you can:
- access the Amplified Music Venues Local Law 2006
- purchase a copy from any Regional Business Centre.
Starting a new venue or taking over an existing venue
Step 1 - Get all the required approvals
Research the different approvals, licences and permits you may need. If you wish to renovate or alter an existing venue, approvals must be obtained before any work begins.
The first step is to get the appropriate approvals for your business. These include, but are not limited to:
- Brisbane City Council approvals:
- development approval - City Plan requires an approved development permit that allows the use of the premises for a particular purpose
- plumbing approval - if you are installing sinks and hand basins, or altering existing plumbing, you may need approval from Council
- signage approval - required when the outdoor signage is visible from a road, footpath or other public place
- Queensland Government approvals:
- a liquor licence can be obtained from Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
- other approvals:
- building permit - most building work requires a permit before commencing. A private building certifier registered with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission must certify the work according to the Building Act 1975 and any other associated regulations.
Step 2 - Apply for an amplified music venue permit
Amplified music venue permits are not transferrable. If you are starting a new venue or taking over operation or management of an existing venue you must apply for a permit.
To apply for an amplified music venue permit, follow the steps below:
1. Supporting documents
Prepare the supporting documents required for your application. To attach the supporting documents for your online application, you need to save them as Word, PDF or JPG files.
Required supporting documents include:
- Plans:
- drawn to scale 1:100 or 1:200, with elevations and details not more than 1:50, maximum A3 and clearly legible
- site plan showing location of site in relationship to surrounding land uses
- floor plan showing all areas and location of all activities:
- room dimensions
- location of any sound amplification equipment, e.g. speakers, mixing desk
- the direction the speakers emit sound
- indicating if windows and doors will be open or closed during times amplified music will be played
- Written consent of land use from land owner
- A copy of the liquor licence and conditions, if applicable
- For amendment:
- a copy of the current amplified music venue permit and conditions.
2. Application form
Complete the amplified music venue permit online form, including:
- uploading your supporting documents
- paying the relevant fee.
Alternatively, you can complete the hard copy form.
The assessment process takes approximately 14 working days. A permit and operating conditions will be issued when approved.
The following fees are applicable to amplified music venues.
Fee type | Description | Fee |
New applications or amendment (significant)* * amendment (significant) is an alteration/expansion in business activity. There is no charge for a minor or administrative amendment only e.g. postal address change or licence details correction change. | Each application | $925.50 |
Variation of conditions of permit by applicant (significant) | Each application | $719.60 |
Licence renewal | Each renewal application | $488.55 |
Replacement of permit certificate | Each certificate | $62.10 |
Permit conditions
Council may impose conditions of the Amplified music venue permit. To find out about the conditions, including maximum noise levels, refer to the Amplified Music Venues Local Law 2006.
Renewing an existing permit
Amplified music venue permits are renewed annually on the anniversary date of the registration. A renewal notice will be posted to you approximately 30 days prior to the expiry date. Any changes to your details must be forwarded to Council in writing.
Inspection request
If you are planning to purchase an existing amplified music venue or need to demonstrate compliance for an insurance or bank application, you can request an inspection report outlining the current compliance status of the premises/activity.
Complete the inspection report request online application and make payment with Visa or Mastercard.
To surrender an amplified music venue permit, complete the licence or permit surrender application online form.
More information
If you wish to find out more, Council's fact sheet Centre, mixed use and specialised centre zone can provide additional information or you can contact Council.