Village Precinct Projects

Village Precinct Projects is a public realm improvement program supporting Brisbane City Council’s commitment to creating a city of neighbourhoods. The primary purpose is to create liveable places with vibrant neighbourhood centres for the local community and visitors to enjoy.

Council will design and deliver public realm improvements, breathing new life into local shopping precincts with the aim of contributing to the commercial vitality of the precinct by creating:

  • a beautiful precinct - high-quality, attractive public spaces that are accessible, safe and comfortable to walk through; spaces that encourage the local community to meet, linger and enjoy
  • a precinct for people - streets that are inclusive and inviting places for everyone to shop, socialise and relax
  • a sense of place - reinforcing the local character and pride, and creating distinctive subtropical spaces for local residents, businesses and visitors to connect with and belong to.

As an initiative of Council’s Design-led City - a design strategy for Brisbane, VPP projects demonstrate design excellence in public realm improvements at neighbourhood precincts across Brisbane that respond to the local community, character and climate.

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About Village Precinct Projects


Community engagement


Creative placemaking outcomes

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For more information about the Village Precinct Projects:

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Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.