What Active School Travel schools receive

Active School Travel (AST) is a dynamic three-year program designed to improve the health and wellbeing of students and make local streets safer and less congested.
The innovative program can be tailored to meet the specific needs of Brisbane primary schools and their communities.
Participating schools will receive access to a range of exciting and valuable resources, including:
- a dedicated Council expert who will work closely with your school’s AST committee and provide specialist advice on the best ways to increase active travel
- rewards and incentives
- customised active travel maps with identified active travel routes
- assembly performances
- free 60 minute bike and scooter skills training programs with a professional coach
- RACQ Streets Ahead road safety sessions
- bus orientation sessions for senior students covering essential skills such as hailing a bus, using a go card and expected behaviour on public transport
- survey templates and materials for your weekly active travel days
- tools to showcase your school's achievements
- interclass and interschool competitions
- curriculum links for teachers to use in the classroom.
Participating schools also have the opportunity to provide feedback to Council on local roads and what improvements could potentially be made to improve safety and increase active travel.
More information
For more information about the AST program, email the AST team or contact Council on 07 3403 8888.