Toowong to West End Bridge

Brisbane City Council is building new active transport bridges across Brisbane to make it even easier for you to get around our city.
The Toowong to West End Bridge will make it easier to walk or ride between the growing West End community and the Toowong Centre, rail and ferry services.
Planning for the Toowong to West End Bridge was paused to prioritise Brisbane's rebuild and recovery efforts following the February 2022 severe flood and weather event. In response to the ongoing impacts of the global inflation crisis on Council's projects and services, planning for the project will remain paused to prevent avoidable costs being passed on to Brisbane's 1.2 million residents.
Council recognises the positive level of support for the Toowong to West End Bridge and has acquired the land necessary for the proposed Toowong landing, confirming Council's commitment to deliver the bridge once further funding is secured.
Council is committed to continuing to work closely with the Queensland and Australian governments to fully realise the benefits of the Bridges for Brisbane Program. If funding is secured, Council will consider progressing the detailed design and procurement process for the Toowong to West End Bridge to ensure it can be delivered sooner than anticipated.
Fly-through video
View the following fly-through video. You can also watch this video on Council’s YouTube channel.
Artist impressions
You can view the ‘Toowong to West End Bridge Artist Impressions’ album via Council’s Flickr account.

Consultation outcomes
From November 2021 to February 2022, Council undertook community consultation on the concept design for the Toowong to West End Bridge. At this time, Council also released key findings of the preliminary business case for the project.
Following consultation, Council reviewed and summarised all feedback to determine the overall support for the concept design. A consultation summary document and detailed consultation report were prepared to outline the consultation process, key feedback themes, online survey results and next steps for the project.
Overall, feedback included:
- strong support for the concept design and support for this bridge to be delivered as a priority
- general positive feedback on the proposed bridge form
- support for the new riverside park / plaza space at the Toowong landing
- support to integrate the landing plaza into the existing park / pathways at the West End landing
- interest in potential construction timing and impacts.
Council will keep the community informed as the project progresses and will provide a further opportunity for feedback during future stages of project planning.

Strong support for overall design

Interest in ongoing connections

Support for new riverside park
Download the concept design consultation report and summary in your preferred format:
- Toowong to West End Bridge – Concept Design Consultation Report – September 2022 (PDF - 3Mb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge – Concept Design Consultation Report – September 2022 (Word - 7Mb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge – Concept Design Consultation Summary – September 2022 (PDF - 7.3Mb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge – Concept Design Consultation Summary – September 2022 (Word - 292kb)
About the concept design
The concept design for the Toowong to West End Bridge is based on the preferred alignment from the south east corner of 600 Coronation Drive, Toowong to Orleigh Park (near Forbes Street), West End.
The design aims to provide a modern bridge structure that touches lightly on the river’s edge and provides new ways to enjoy the river and local parks.
Key features include:
- a curved single-mast cable stay bridge form with a length of about 280m and mast height of 75m above water level
- a single water-based pier on the Toowong side of the Brisbane River to minimise impacts on river users
- dedicated pathways for walkers and riders, with a minimum width of 6m and accessible grades
- a bridge clearance height of 11.4 metres, with provision for a 70m wide navigation channel
- a rest point and widened pathway (up to 9m) adjacent to the bridge mast with seating and viewing opportunities
- shade along the length of the walking path
- a new riverside green space at the Toowong landing
- a landing at Orleigh Park that minimises impacts on open space and provides a direct connection to the walking and cycling network.
The concept design is not final and will be subject to further development during future stages of project planning.

Accessible version
Download the Toowong to West End location map (Word - 963kb).
Toowong landing

The Toowong landing is located on the south east corner of 600 Coronation Drive, adjacent to Archer Street and south of Middenbury House. This landing will provide:
- New riverside park and plaza with seating and landscaping.
- Connection to existing walking and riding routes, via Archer Street.
- Opportunity for a future riding connection through 600 Coronation Drive to the Bicentennial Bikeway.
Download the accessible version of the Toowong landing map:
West End landing

The West End landing is located in Orleigh Park adjacent to Forbes Street, immediately north of the Brisbane and GPS Rowing Club, and the Cranbrook Place memorial site. This landing will provide:
- A direct connection to existing walking and riding paths on Riverside Drive and Hill End Terrace.
- New subtropical planting and park upgrades.
- Ongoing connections to the proposed St Lucia to West End Bridge.
Download the accessible version of the West End landing map:
Preliminary business case
Based on the concept design, Council has prepared a preliminary business case for the Toowong to West End Bridge, which has been informed by a range of initial economic, transport and technical investigations that have assessed the costs, benefits and feasibility of the project.
The preliminary business case indicates this bridge would provide a value for money investment for Brisbane ratepayers, delivering improved accessibility and active transport options which will result in reduced congestion, increased economic activity and health benefits.
Key benefits include:
- boosts inner city movement and cross river access
- better connects existing active transport routes, including the Bicentennial Bikeway to The University of Queensland, and creates new strategic corridors in the inner city
- reduces reliance on private vehicle trips and decreases vehicle emissions
- supports growing e-mobility ridership
- supports a clean and sustainable city and healthy lifestyle.

The Toowong to West End Bridge is expected to carry 3900 trips per day by 2031 and 5300 trips per day by 2041, based on assessments undertaken for the preliminary business case.
Download the key findings of the preliminary business case in your preferred format:
- Toowong to West End Bridge Preliminary Business Case Key Findings (PDF - 5.34Mb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge Preliminary Business Case Key Findings (Word - 125kb).
Project benefits

Faster and more convenient connections between work, study and lifestyle precincts

Improved access to public transport and city-wide walking and riding network

New and upgraded riverside parks
Initial consultation phase
Community consultation on alignment options
Prepare preliminary business cases and concept designs
Staged project delivery
subject to funding and approvals
Previous community consultation
Community and stakeholder feedback has been critical to the development of the Toowong to West End Bridge.
Initial consultation on the project was undertaken in late 2019 as part of the Bridges for Brisbane Program's early planning phase. Council completed a detailed analysis of all feedback received and prepared an Initial Consultation Outcomes report.
Following the initial consultation phase, Council undertook a range of technical investigations and studies on potential alignments and landing locations for this bridge. This included traffic and transport modelling, environmental studies, site investigations and initial cost estimates. Based on these studies, Council released a shortlist of alignment options for the community to provide feedback on in November 2020.
A consultation summary document and a consultation report were also prepared, outlining the consultation process, feedback received and Council’s response to key feedback themes.
Overall, feedback included:
- very strong support for the alignment from 600 Coronation Drive, Toowong to Orleigh Park (near Forbes Street), West End
- many requests for new green space at 600 Coronation Drive as part of the project
- interest in timing for delivery with strong support for the Toowong to West End Bridge to be delivered as a priority
- requests to minimise project impacts on river users and local residents.
Council’s latest round of community consultation was undertaken on the concept design for the Toowong to West End Bridge from November 2021 to February 2022. At this time, Council also released key findings of the preliminary business case for the project. Read more about the outcomes of community consultation on the concept design.
Council will continue to keep local residents and stakeholders informed and provide more opportunities for residents to have their say during future stages of the project.
Project documents and resources
- Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End Bridges project update – November 2021 (PDF - 3.86Mb)
- Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End Bridges project update – November 2021 (Word - 18.16Mb)
- Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End project update newsletter – November 2020 (PDF - 4.68Mb)
- Toowong to West End and St Lucia to West End project update newsletter – November 2020 (Word - 4.84Mb).
Consultation reports
- Toowong to West End Bridge alignment options – Consultation Summary (PDF - 7.7Mb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge alignment options – Consultation Summary (Word - 161kb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge alignment options – Consultation Report (PDF - 4.8Mb)
- Toowong to West End Bridge alignment options – Consultation Report (Word - 4.9Mb).