Significant species

Due to the pressures of urban growth, climate change, competition and predation from invasive species, disease and other factors, many native species are under threat and considered Significant in Brisbane. To help protect and conserve these species, Brisbane City Council has undertaken a number of initiatives.
Atlas of Living Australia
Atlas of Living Australia is a national wildlife database for recording all native plant and animal sightings. This database is crucial for tracking numbers of native species, especially during migration and breeding seasons. It is also an accredited resource to verify wildlife sighting against a vast record of images, maps and scientific data.
You can help Council by becoming a citizen scientist and record your wildlife sightings in the Atlas of Living Australia website. By contributing to the Atlas of Living Australia database you will be helping protect Brisbane's natural environment.
To record sightings or search for records, visit ala.org.au.
Koala Conservation
In April 2012, the Australian Government declared the koala as vulnerable across Queensland. Upon receiving advice from the Threatened Species Scientific Council, the Environment Minister listed the koala as a threatened species under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Find out about what Brisbane City Council is doing to protect the koala, including the establishment of a koala research centre at Lone Pine Sanctuary.
Glossy Black Cockatoo Conservancy
The Glossy Black Conservancy is a regional partnership to conserve the Glossy Black Cockatoo in South East Queensland. For more information, go to the Glossy Black Conservancy website.
Fauna Conservation Action Statements
Council has developed Wildlife Conservation Action Statements that identify and prioritise actions around protection, management and ongoing monitoring.
The statements can be used in different ways including:
- sourcing technical species information
- application of habitat management and protection guidelines
- implementation of key actions that will assist in securing the future of these species in Brisbane
Download and read the fauna Wildlife Conservation Action Statements:
Flora Conservation Action Statements
Download and read the flora Wildlife Conservation Action Statements:
- Angle-stemmed myrtle (PDF - 1.4Mb)
- Angle-stemmed myrtle (Word - 1Mb)
- Cunningham's jute (PDF - 2Mb)
- Cunningham's jute (Word - 999kb).