Teacher resources - recycling and reducing waste

Brisbane City Council has created free online lesson plans and fact sheets to help teachers with information about waste minimisation, recycling and litter prevention. 

Lesson plans

These lesson plans have been designed by qualified educators with expert waste and recycling knowledge to help teachers meet curriculum objectives. The lesson plans include activities, games and curriculum links for various years on the topics of litter, nude food, organic recycling, packaging, waste minimisation and waste. 

This table includes lesson plans organised by topic and year level suitability.
TopicLesson planSuitable for
Waste minimisationWasting away (Word - 110kb)
Get hands-on and see how your waste breaks down underground.
Prep + Years 1, 2, 3, 4
Green WasteThe circular life of green waste (Word - 109kb)
Join the mission to get organic waste out of landfill.
Years 7, 8
Circular economy

The rising impacts of e-waste (Word - 235kb)
Consider the electronic items you have today and the impact they have on the environment when we follow a linear economy model vs a circular model.

Years 9, 10

Household waste

Red, Yellow, Green: Unpack household waste (Word - 1.5Mb)
Explore Brisbane City Council’s three waste streams and discover how each bin is collected, managed, and processed.
Year 4, 5, 6
Nude foodNude food lunch guide (Word - 116kb)
Promote healthy eating and reduce waste to landfill with every lunchbox.
Prep + Years 1, 2, 3, 4
Nude foodWhat's in your lunchbox (Word - 111kb)
Enjoy your morning tea, then catalogue and analyse what you leave behind.
Prep + Years 1, 2, 3, 4
Organic recyclingHungry worm (Word - 108kb)
Get crafty and learn about how worms are the link between growing and recycling food.
Prep + Years 1, 2
Waste minimisationSix ways with a plastic bottle (Word - 107kb)
Use your imagination and design skills to see what a plastic bottle can become.
Prep + Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Waste minimisationSort it out (Word - 132kb)
Learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle and what happens after things go to the bin.
Years 3, 4, 5, 6
Waste minimisationWhat's in the bin (Word - 154kb)
Audit your school's bins and analyse the waste types and where they should go.
Years 5, 6, 7, 8

Fact sheets

These fact sheets are designed to supplement a lesson and help your class find out more about reducing and recycling waste.

Recycling materials fact sheets

Get Grubby and other resources

Have fun teaching children from three years of age to Year 2 about recycling, worm farms, composting and reusing materials with Dirt Girl and Scrap Bay and the Get Grubby program. This program is free for early learning centres, schools, family day care and outside school hours care centres in Brisbane.

More information

For more information about these teaching resources and other waste and recycling support for schools, email our Waste Education team.

Last updated:
Topics: wasteschool

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