Towards Zero Waste Education Centre

The Towards Zero Waste Education Centre is a Brisbane City Council initiative located at the Brisbane Landfill site. The centre invites visitors from Brisbane school groups wishing to learn about:
- moving towards zero waste
- waste minimisation practices, and
- landfill operations.
The centre aims to develop an awareness of waste as an issue for sustainability. It highlights the issues of consumption and disposal practices. The space encourages visitors to evaluate the environmental consequences of their behaviour. It also encourages the development of a sustainable future for Brisbane.
A visit to the centre involves a presentation to students on waste minimisation and landfill operations, which lasts approximately 30 minutes, followed by a landfill tour (by bus) which also takes about half an hour. Schools also have the opportunity to participate in other focus sessions, selected from the options available for primary and secondary groups.
There is no cost for visits to the centre, and schools can book for a maximum of 70 people, with two groups of 35 people held concurrently. The maximum number of visitors per group includes students, teachers and parent volunteers.
During the visit, students can learn about:
- the waste hierarchy
- working towards zero waste – waste as a resource not just a by-product
- new approaches to waste management.
- recycling organic waste
- recycling household waste
- waste and recycling collection services
- Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) - what happens to your home and school recycling
- landfill management and design
- landfill gas capture
- fast fashion and textile waste
- E-waste and the circular economy
- waste auditing
- the effect of litter on the environment.
Download the towards zero waste overview (Word - 883kb) for more information and a list of available programs for primary and secondary schools.
The centre is open to schools and student groups in the Brisbane local government area on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. To book a visit or for more information, email the education team or phone Council on 07 3403 8888.