Towards Zero Waste strategy
The transformation towards a zero-waste community is vital for the health of our environment and every single one of us plays a unique role in the journey to making Brisbane a zero-waste city.
Towards Zero Waste was developed as a key priority for Brisbane and aligns with the goals and direction of the current Brisbane. Clean Green, Sustainable strategy. By focusing on transforming Brisbane into a circular economy city, where waste is considered a resource, Towards Zero Waste highlights Councils commitment to making Brisbane a world leader in sustainable resources and waste management.
About the strategy
Towards Zero Waste outlines Council's direction to achieve our vision for Brisbane to be a world leader in sustainable resource and waste management.
The strategy is underpinned by four strategic principles and outcomes, each with a range of directions for Council to pursue:
Principle 1: Design out waste
Our community progressively generates less waste and finds valuable uses for recovered materials.
Principle 2: Provide world-class infrastructure and services
Brisbane’s network of waste management infrastructure is conveniently located, easy to use, and meets the needs of current and emerging waste challenges.
Principle 3: Maximise Resource Recovery
Waste is considered as a valuable resource that needs to be recovered and reused.
Principle 4: Close the Loop
Waste minimisation becomes our way of living so we can enhance our focus on regenerating our planet.
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More information
For more information about the Toward Zero Waste strategy, email Waste Smart Home.