Brisbane City Council plays a major role in managing the impacts of disasters within its boundaries. Find information about emergency management, the State Emergency Service, FloodWise Property Reports and severe weather alerts.

Emergency dashboard

Be prepared for a disaster

Flooding in Brisbane

Severe weather alerts

Sign up to Brisbane Severe Weather Alert to receive free alerts for severe weather and other public safety events to help prepare and protect you and your property. You can also receive creek flooding alerts if your property is affected by creek flooding or register for dam release notifications from Seqwater. 

Australian Warning System

The Australian Warning System is a new national approach to information and warnings during emergencies like bushfire, flood, storm, extreme heat and severe weather. Ensure you are familiar with the meaning behind each of the 3 warning levels. Find out more about the Australian Warning System.


Image of Australian Warning System Advice alert. A black thunderstorm icon on a yellow triangle with a black border.

Advice warnings are yellow.

Advice warnings mean you are not in immediate danger. However, you should stay alert and be prepared to act on further warnings or updates. 

Watch and Act

Image of Australian Warning System Watch and Act alert. A black house and waves icon on an orange triangle with a black border.

Watch and Act warnings are orange.

Watch and Act warnings mean there is a heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing and you need to take action now to stay safe.

Emergency Warnings

Image of Australian Warning System Emergency Warning alert. A white flame icon on a red triangle with a black border.

Emergency Warnings are red.

Emergency Warnings are the highest level of warning. You may be in danger and need to act immediately to stay safe. Do not delay and follow the warning advice.


Brisbane’s bushfire season is July to February, however bushfires can occur at any time throughout the year.

Check your bushfire risk


Storms can occur all year long but severe thunderstorms are most likely to occur between December and February.

Check weather warnings


Extreme heat in Brisbane is most likely to occur between November and March but can occur at any time.

Check heatwave warnings


Brisbane sits on a floodplain which means that flooding is possible at any time. Floods can be caused by creeks, rivers, overland flow or tides.

Check your flood risk

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.