Mud Army
Brisbane City Council plays a major role in managing the impacts of disasters in our region and works closely with Volunteering Queensland to ensure our Mud Army can activate as soon as possible, when needed.
Brisbane’s Mud Army are volunteers who respond to the call to clean up the city in times of severe weather recovery.
This spontaneous volunteering effort has been acknowledged around the world as a leading example of how communities can band together in times of crisis.

Register to volunteer
Council partners with Volunteering Queensland to stand up the Mud Army.
We encourage those who may want to support the community in times of disaster or floods to register with Volunteering Queensland’s Emergency Volunteering CREW.
This is the best way to ensure that we can contact you and efficiently allocate you to disaster recovery efforts if another flood occurs and a Mud Army is stood up.
Register now with Volunteering Queensland
Liability disclaimer
Read our liability disclaimer regarding the participation in Mud Army.
Liability disclaimer
Liability disclaimer
Brisbane City Council (Council) makes no representations or warranties as to the nature of any activities that might be undertaken by you. Your participation in any activity (and that of your dependents) is entirely at your discretion and is voluntary.
While you (and your dependents) are undertaking duties as authorised Council volunteers under a Council volunteer program, you will be covered by a limited personal injury insurance cover, a limited public liability cover and a limited motor vehicle insurance, subject to the terms of each of those policies. Details of those policy are available upon request. To the extent permitted by law, and to the extent of coverage provided by the aforementioned insurance policies, Council takes no responsibility or liability for any damage, loss, costs, expenses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, injury or illness (including without limitation permanent injury, incapacitation or death) due to or arising out of, directly or indirectly, the actions or omissions (whether wilful, negligent or otherwise) of Council (including any officer, employee or volunteer) or a participant (including yourself and your dependents) or any third party provider.
Volunteering Queensland disclaimer - third party website
Read our disclaimer about the Volunteering Queensland website as a third-party website.
Disclaimer - third party website
Disclaimer - third party website
Council distributes the information on this website as a general reference source. This website contains links to other websites operated by organisations other than Council. The other websites are outside of Council's control and links are provided for your convenience. Despite our best efforts, Council makes no warranties that the information in this publication is free of infection by computer viruses or other contamination.