Our accessible, connected city

In 2031, Brisbane will be an accessible city for everyone. Residents, workers, students, visitors and business people will be able to move easily throughout the city.
Road, public transport and active transport networks will provide safe, efficient, fast and reliable travel options throughout the city. These networks will help deliver economic benefits to Brisbane and support our growing community and changing economy.
Council has already made a number of improvements across the city, including upgrades to parking infrastructure, public transport and community facilities and venues.
Download the:
- Accessibility Access Improvement Program fact sheet (PDF - 1.9Mb)
- Accessibility Access Improvement Program fact sheet (Word - 1.7Mb).
By 2031:
- the number of walking, cycling or public transport trips will increase compared to 2011
- the majority of peak hour trips to the CBD will be by public and active transport
- travel times and trip reliability across the city will be maintained or improved compared to 2011
- Brisbane's bikeway network will exceed 1700 kilometres
- bus patronage will reach a target of 120 million annually
- all Council-managed facilities will be accessible and functional for all
- the carbon intensity of the bus fleet (tonnes of carbon released per kilometre travelled) will decrease compared to 2013.
Council will be compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 across its bus and CityCat networks by 2022.
What you can do
You can:
- plan your bike trip on a Brisbane Bicycle Path
- plan your next journey or commute using Brisbane's public transport
- get your family involved in an Active School Travel Program.
What Council is doing
Brisbane City Council's plans and strategies, projects, programs and initiatives include:
- Travel Plan for Brisbane
- Brisbane Active Transport Strategy 2012-2026. You can download the:
City's progress
Council's achievements since 2006:
- constructed two links in the TransApex road program - CLEM7 cross river tunnel and the Go Between Bridge
- constructed the Legacy Way tunnel from Toowong to Kelvin Grove
- assisted in the development of the Airport Link tunnel from Bowen Hills to Brisbane Airport and the northern suburbs busway
- delivered 800 new buses to the city's bus fleet
- delivered eight new CityCats to the city's ferry fleet
- successfully rolled out the Blue CityGlider, which carries an average of more than 45,000 passengers per week, and expanded the CityGlider network to incorporate the Maroon CityGlider
- launched the free CityHopper ferry service for river commutes in the inner city
- completed the four-year $100 million bikeway program increasing the city bikeway network.