Transport Plan for Brisbane - Implementation plan

To support the release of the Transport Plan for Brisbane - Strategic Directions, Brisbane City Council developed the Transport Plan for Brisbane - Implementation Plan 2018.
The implementation plan outlines short-to-medium term actions that will help us to achieve the outcomes of the transport plan, contributing to enhancing the liveability and economic prosperity of Brisbane, harnessing innovation and evolving our transport networks to meet Brisbane's Vision 2031.
The implementation plan includes the following components:
Framework | The framework sets out:
Key initiatives | This sets out the priority activities we plan to develop in the first two years. These will show leadership in achieving the intent and outcomes of the transport plan. |
Program actions | This sets out initial implementation actions that will help deliver the outcomes and strategic directions of the transport plan in the short-to-medium term. |
Monitoring and reporting | This sets out the mechanisms and processes that we will use to monitor and review the delivery of implementation activities. It also highlights the intent to develop performance indicators that will measure our success in achieving the transport plan outcomes. |
Since the release of the implementation plan, there have been changes in Brisbane and in the way people, goods and services move around.
Brisbane has seen major infrastructure and construction projects like those associated with Queen’s Wharf, Cross River Rail and a number of large private developments, as well as other changes such as the introduction of e-mobility sharing schemes in the inner city and the impacts of coronavirus on why we travel, the preferred way we travel and how we use the city.
Council has been working to further explore and develop outcomes to strengthen our city’s transport network through the following activities:
Brisbane Metro
Council’s Brisbane Metro project will provide a high-frequency, high-capacity turn-up-and-go public transport system connecting 18 stations along dedicated busways Eight Mile Plains to Roma Street, and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital to University of Queensland.
The project will contribute to achieving the future outcome for a well-planned, designed and managed network as well as increase sustainable transport trips for commuting to work.
Brisbane's Transport Innovation and Research Hub
The Brisbane’s Transport Innovation and Research Hub is a key initiative of the Transport Plan. Council has entered into a research funding agreement with the Queensland University of Technology, University of Queensland and Griffith University and developed a three-year research schedule.
This collaboration is key to harnessing innovation and can provide a winning edge when addressing the city’s future transport needs.
CityLink CycleWay
CityLink Cycleway was a trial of a network of two-way separated cycling facilities to encourage more residents and visitors to use sustainable and active travel for their wellbeing and health, reducing the need for private vehicle use in the CBD.
Council has completed the trial evaluation and concludes that CityLink Cycleway is a success.
CityLink separates cyclists from the general traffic in an area where there is high volume of cycling and improving safety of the network while also improve the amenity and accessibility of the city.
The project forms an important part of the Inner-City Transport Network Plan, providing for safe, convenient commuting.
Construction Management Plans
Construction in the inner city has increased with the major developments of Queens Wharf Brisbane, Brisbane Metro, Cross River Rail and the New Performing Arts Venue in addition to numerous private developments in the city centre, resulting in a significant increase in construction vehicles in city streets.
It is essential to ensure that construction activities can be undertaken in a cost-efficient and timely manner while maximising safety for other road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists.
Council is working with the Queensland Government and the construction industry and requiring proponents to prepare Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMPs) and Haulage Management Plans (HMPs) for the larger development sites to include arrangements for managing heavy vehicle traffic entering and leaving sites with consideration for these vulnerable road users.
E-wheeling opportunities
As another key initiative of the Transport Plan, Council is currently focussing on e-wheeling opportunities to encourage greater use of e-bikes, e-scooters and other emerging active travel options.
Council is also engaging and educating the community regarding appropriate behaviour and conduct with the growth of e-wheeling on pathways through Council’s Riding in Brisbane Guide and Cycling Brisbane’s e-bike workshops. Find out more about Cycling Brisbane.
Bridges for Brisbane
Council’s Transport Plan also highlights the need to explore a linked network of strategically located active transport bridges to enable residents and workers to replace car-based trips with public and active transport options.
Since 2018, Council has progressed with plans to deliver new active transport bridges.
The new bridges will link Kangaroo Point to the Brisbane Central Business District (CBD), Toowong to West End, St Lucia to West End, as well as a new crossing at Breakfast Creek.
Indooroopilly Riverwalk
The Indooroopilly Riverwalk provides a high quality, separated two-way cyclist and pedestrian riverwalk that takes advantage of the outlook over the Brisbane River. The Riverwalk provides a safe and accessible active transport route that encourages more walking and cycling by residents and offers visitors and tourists to Brisbane a sustainable and healthy travel option to experience the city.
Major road and intersection improvements
Council continues to plan with the Queensland Government and neighbouring local governments to improve the road network to meet the future population and employment needs and to maximise the effectiveness and performance of the network.
Council is currently planning the Rochedale Road and Priestdale Road intersection upgrade in Rochedale, which is currently a single lane roundabout located on the boundary of the Brisbane City Council Local Government Area (LGA) and the Logan City Council LGA. As the surrounding suburbs continue to grow, traffic demand through the intersection is expected to increase.
The project will be jointly funded by Council as part of the Better Roads for Brisbane program, the Australian Government as part of the Urban Congestion Fund program and Logan City Council as part of the Major Roads Upgrade program. This project is being delivered to improve safety, reduce congestions and provide dedicated signalised pedestrian crossing facilities.
Move Safe Brisbane program
Council’s Move Safe Brisbane program is a key initiative of the Transport Plan.
The Move Safe Brisbane program has delivered a range of pedestrian safety outcomes including speed reductions, scramble crossings, community information sessions and safety reviews.
North west transport network
Council is developing a business case which is exploring the city's transport future and identifying opportunities to enhance the transport network in Brisbane's north west.
The Australian Government has committed up to $10 million to the development of the north west transport network business case. Funding through the Major Project Business Case Fund is supporting Council to investigate the transport needs of this growing region, including opportunities to utilise the existing North West Transport Corridor, to inform future government investment in road, public and active transport.
The business case is being prepared in line with the Infrastructure Australia Assessment Framework for initiatives and projects to be included in their Infrastructure Priority List.
Pedestrian access to Suncorp Stadium and the Gabba
Proposed Roma Street and Woolloongabba Cross River Rail stations are being planned by the Cross River Rail Development Authority (CRRDA). These stations will provide convenient access to Suncorp and Gabba Stadiums respectively and the opportunity to create an enjoyable, sustainable option for tourists, visitors and residents to access entertainment and sporting events.
Council made representation to the State Government and the CRRDA to ensure pedestrian improvements between the stations and these major facilities will occur. Council is also preparing renewal strategies and plans for areas within walking distance of the stations and outside the CRRDA areas, to ensure the pedestrian networks in and around the stadiums are seamlessly integrated.
Rail level crossings
Council is working with the Australian and Queensland Governments to jointly fund, plan, design and deliver removal of open level crossings. Through grade separation of rail lines from the road and active transport networks, these projects improve efficiency and timely movement of people, goods and service and reduce incidents improving transport safety at these interfaces.
Council has committed $80 million to improve safety at open level crossings at Lindum and Coopers Plains and $40 million towards removal of the open level crossing at Beams Road, Carseldine.
Safe Travel Together
The Safe Travel Together initiative seeks to ensure the safe interaction of heavy vehicles and bicycles on Brisbane’s roads through a range of interventions including:
- Safety improvements to roads, intersections and pathways, improved surveillance and monitoring, black spot safety improvements and road speed reductions. In addition to general investment, this includes targeted programs such as Safer Paths to School.
- Working with the Queensland Government and the construction industry and requiring proponents to prepare Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMPs) and Haulage Management Plans (HMPs) for the larger development sites in the inner city.
- Education and awareness on safe travel behaviour through Cycling Brisbane and Active School Travel.
- Advocating for change by seeking the support of the Local Government Association of Queensland to lobby the Queensland Government to support requirements for modifications and improvements to heavy vehicles, such as sensors and cameras, to improve safety for people riding bicycles.
- Investment in the delivery of separated bike paths, such as the CityLink Cycleway.
- Developing an education and awareness campaign in association with the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator to raise awareness of cyclist vulnerabilities and the challenges for heavy vehicle drivers.
Over the past four years Council has invested more than $100 million in expanding active transport infrastructure to help cyclists move safely around the city and continues to encourage bicycle riders to use those facilities.
Suburban public transport access
Council understands the travel needs of Brisbane's residents and visitors are constantly changing and has undertaken research in a number of suburbs including the Centenary suburbs and the western Pullenvale Ward suburbs to understand the community's expectations and views about using public transport.
Reviewing, trialling and adopting cutting edge transport design ideas to meet the needs of the Brisbane community will ensure we maintain a sustainable and accessible transport network.
Recommendations have been provided to TransLink as the authority responsible for public transport in Queensland for consideration.
Victoria Park
Council’s plan to change Victoria Park into an iconic expansive new public parkland means more opportunities to enjoy recreation and leisure activities around the natural environment and active pursuits. This will benefit community health and wellbeing and support our intent to be a clean, green and sustainable city.
The draft vision for the park includes a strategy for sustainable travel to the park covering integrating walking, cycling, bus and train connections with walking and cycling the priority within the park itself. The park will become a signature park and a part of Brisbane’s leisure and recreation access network that will enhance the city’s liveability for the benefit of residents, tourists and visitors.
Walkable Brisbane
Walkable Brisbane was highlighted in the plan as a key initiative for enhancing liveability in Brisbane. Council is improving the walkability of the city to encourage walking as an important form of sustainable travel that help us achieve a clean, green and sustainable city as well as improved health and wellbeing. Learn more about the Walkable Brisbane strategy.
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