Small Business Friendly Brisbane initiative

Brisbane City Council is working hard to be the most small business friendly Council in Australia, and is dedicated to supporting the growth of the small business sector of Brisbane.

It is Brisbane businesses that create local employment, provide essential goods and services and play an important role in growing our diverse economy. We are committed to making it easier to do business in Brisbane and we will maintain the highest standards of service to make sure we are supporting small businesses.

Our Community Experience represents our vision for the way Brisbane businesses, residents, visitors and Council employees experience Council through our shared commitments to community, connection and care. In addition, our small business commitment is a public statement that expresses our intention to continuously improving the way we interact with and support small businesses.

We know if small business does well, then Brisbane does well. That’s why we have set out a clear list of commitments and outcomes to help Brisbane business get ahead.

Our small business commitment and our performance


Our commitments

  • We will raise the profile and capability of small businesses.
  • We will promote and showcase small businesses.

What we've done

Raise profile and capability
Promote and showcase
  • We've included the Business Chamber Queensland Small Business Award in the Lord Mayor's Business Awards to recognise excellence in running a small business in Brisbane.
  • We've provided regular email updates to chamber and trader groups and provided in-person networking opportunities.
  • We've featured articles in the regular Business in Brisbane newsletter which also provides information on events, opportunities, business support, grants and more.
  • We've posted about businesses participating in Council's programs in the Business in Brisbane Facebook group to raise their profile and expand their reach.
  • We are active participants and members in a range of industry groups to gain increased awareness of sectors so we can promote and showcase their activities and members.
  • We've delivered the Visit Brisbane and Choose Brisbane websites to promote Brisbane businesses nationally and internationally.
  • We've displayed the wares of 24 Brisbane makers in the Local Business Showcase window of the Suburban Business Hub, resulting in sales and increased awareness for these businesses.


Our commitments

  • We will actively communicate and engage with small businesses.
  • We will develop and promote place-based programs for small businesses.

What we've done

Communicate and engage
  • We established the Brisbane Business Hotline in 2012 to provide a dedicated 24/7 phone channel to support business in Brisbane.
  • We hosted 11 Small Business Roundtable meetings which provided useful input and feedback to inform Council's programs.
  • We've engaged with 1254 businesses at the Suburban Business Hub and delivered workshops to 3705 attendees through the Brisbane Business Hub.
  • We've provided dedicated Council contacts and regular engagement resulting in stronger links with Brisbane's business networks.
Place-based programs


Our commitments

  • We will simplify administration and regulation for small business (red tape reduction).
  • We will ensure fair procurement and prompt payment terms for small businesses.
  • We will support small business resilience and recovery.
  • We will measure and report on our performance.

What we've done

Simplify administration and regulation
  • We've maintained a dedicated complaints page which outlines how to make a complaint and provides transparent information about how Council investigates complaints.
  • We regularly conduct cross-Council policy updates to revise Council policy including local laws, planning and procurement policy.
  • We've removed or reduced permit fees for events and festivals to encourage free and affordable fun through the streamlined Events Local Law 2022.
Fair procurement
  • We've maintained seven-day payment terms for small business suppliers to Council. Our faster payment terms have delivered more than 124,000 payments worth $1.33 billion for 3400 suppliers.
  • More than 86% of Council's procurement spend was invested with local suppliers, exceeding the target of 80%.
  • We've offered Talk to Procurement drop-in sessions at the Brisbane Business Hub and Suburban Business Hub.
  • We've exceeded Council's annual target to spend more than $10 million directly with social enterprises.
  • We facilitated the Better Brisbane Proposal process to provide a clear pathway for market-led proposals with six proposals trialled.
Resilience and recovery
  • We published the Rebuild & Recover: Flood Resilience Action Plan which included key deliverables to support businesses and the economy.
  • We have supported small business resilience and recovery through co-working opportunities and workshops at the Brisbane Business Hub and Suburban Business Hub.
  • We offered the Flood Resilient Suburbs - Business Resilience program and delivered business flood continuity planning and business flood resilience assessments.
  • We worked with partners to stand up temporary flood recovery hubs in key locations helping businesses get back 'on their feet'.
  • We promoted 'Made in Brisbane' to call on Brisbane to help support Brisbane businesses and assist with their recovery by buying local.
  • We delivered promotional campaigns to ensure that visitors, potential employees and businesses across Australia knew that Brisbane was back in business.
Measure and report
  • We've established the Small Business Roundtable to identify opportunities and initiatives to drive growth and help local businesses thrive.
  • We provided a dedicated Council contact to Brisbane's business networks and communicated regularly to achieve productive engagement.

Small Business Roundtable

To ensure Council is responsive to the needs of small business, Council established the Small Business Roundtable in 2021.

Convening monthly, the roundtable brings together Council officers, industry representatives and business leaders to tackle issues impacting small businesses in Brisbane. It provides insight and feedback to shape Council's support for small business, as well as helping Council identify opportunities and initiatives to help small business grow and succeed.

Small Business Friendly Program

The Queensland Government's Small Business Friendly Program aims to enhance the operating environment for small businesses and provide the opportunities they need to thrive.

Council's commitment to this program reinforces our longstanding dedication to making it easy to do business in Brisbane.

More information

For more information on Council's small business friendly commitment, email Council

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.