Free Wi-Fi in Brisbane

Free Council Wi-Fi services are available at Council libraries.
Due to the decommissioning of the end-of-life technology that supported the Brisbane Free Public Wi-Fi service provided by Telstra, Council's free public Wi-Fi service to Brisbane parks, public spaces and ferry terminals is no longer available.
Telstra will continue to provide community 'free Telstra Wi-Fi' hotspots through its payphone infrastructure.
To find your closest Telstra Wi-Fi enabled payphone, search for 'Wi-Fi hotspot' from the 'Select search type' dropdown list on the Find us page on Telstra's website. When you're out and about, look for Telstra Wi-Fi branded payphones (usually pink).
To use a Telstra Wi-Fi hotspot, turn on your smartphone device's Wi-Fi and select 'free Telstra Wi-Fi' in your Wi-Fi settings. The Telstra Wi-Fi portal will launch. You'll need to agree to the terms and conditions to use the service.